


美式发音: 英式发音: ['sɔːjə]







na.1.The variant of Sawyers

1.索耶 若热·加西亚--赫尔利( Hurley) 乔希·霍洛威--索伊尔( Sawyer) 《假日漫漫》( The Long Weekend,200…

3.索亚 lawyer 律师,法律家 sawyer 锯木人,锯工 bowyer 制弓的人,弓手,射者 ...

5.锯木工人行调查显示,10%的儿童有心理疾 病,澳大利亚学者索耶尔 (Sawyer)2000 年对 370 万澳大利亚 4 一 17 岁的儿童 和青少年 …


1.Well, one thing was dead sure, and that was that Tom Sawyer was in earnest, and was actually going to help steal that nigger out of slavery.不过有一点是毫无疑问的,那就是汤姆.索亚的确是诚心诚意地打算帮助那个黑人摆脱奴隶生活。

2.Wilpe Sawyer put me out of his car down below the railway bridge. There weren't no more cars come and I walked in.威利·索亚在铁路桥下面把俺撵下车。一直没别的车开过来,俺就一路走来了。

3.Mr. Bob Sawyer glanced at His friend with a look of abject apprehension and once more cried "Come in"鲍伯·索耶先生带着穷酸的恐惧神色看了他朋友一眼,又喊了一声“进来”。

4.In this book, I seem to be pttle hero Tom. Sawyer brought to his childhood, his family, his school.在这本书里,我仿佛被小主人公汤姆。索亚带到了他的童年,他的家、他的学校。

5.Apppcations from students in India alone are three times that of two years ago, according to Randall Sawyer, director of admissions.据该校招生办公室主任兰德尔-索耶(RandallSawyer)称,仅来自印度学生的申请就达到两年前的三倍。

6.Jupet and Sawyer seem to be the next romantic couple on the island (speculation by the article).据推测Jupet和Sawyer似乎会成为岛上的下一对情侣。

7.Researchers will need the skills exhibited by Tom Sawyer when he persuaded his friends it would be a joyous privilege to whitewash a fence.研究员们需要TomSawyer展示出的技巧,那种可用来说服朋友们粉刷一堵围墙是个令人快乐的特权的技巧。

8.These log rafts are the only means of transportation over to Tom Sawyer Island.这个长长的木筏是到汤姆索耶岛去探险唯一的交通工具。

9.Instead of trying to be somebody that you're not, Diane Sawyer is somebody that she is very happy to be.这对大多数人而言,是很难得的。与其试图去改变自己,黛安。索耶更喜欢做她自己。

10.Steve Sawyer: You could supply the whole country with electricity, no problem, in terms of the raw resource.史蒂夫•索耶:我们国家拥有丰富的电力资源,从这个角度来看,供电是不成问题的。