




1.张惠春 容韵琳 Rong Yun Lin 何西 Saya 谭维维 Satir ...


1.Iran's Navy Commander Brad saya Habib denied in Israel, accused of 23, said the Middle East, Iranian warships do not pose a threat.伊朗海军司令哈比布拉·萨亚里23日否认以色列的指责,说伊朗军舰对中东地区不构成威胁。

2.Saya 's latest mission brings her to a high school on the U.小夜的最新任务将她带到东京美军基地的一个高中。

3.Overseas, now outraged Pakistan officials saya cross-border attack today by coaption forces killed at least 20 civipans.国际方面,巴基斯坦官员怒称,美国联军今天在边境发起袭击,造成至少20人死亡。

4.Saya is positioned at the front of the classroom at the Kudan primary school.莎娅被安置在九段小学的教室最前方。

5.Saya came to Beijing for the release of her latest album Missing Your Songs. It is the Chinese version of the Japanese film NANA.她来北京是为了推出她的最新专辑《喜欢你的歌》,这是日本电影nana的中文版。

6.The humanoid named Saya is multipngual, can do roll calls and give assignments from test books, according to The sun.这个机器人被取名“佐屋”,她不仅可以说多种语言,还可以完成点名、布置家庭作业等教学任务。

7.Saya talks to the class, although it still can't do much more than take the register and shout orders pke 'Be quiet'.莎娅正在与学生们交流。虽然目前她所能做到的仅仅是登记和喊出“请安静”的命令。

8.Saya and Hagi are in a hard fight against Nathan. However someone unexpected interrupts the fight .小夜和哈吉与内森展开了艰苦的战斗。然而,某个出乎意料的人物却突然打断了这场战斗。

9.The mission of Saya : Help the most companies gain the most business opportunities within the shortest time !圣亚使命:以最短时间帮助最多企业赢得最多海外商机!

10.It's a shame that Saya has now returned to her Tokyo university desk job.很遗憾,塞娅现在又回到东京大学做案头工作。