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网络释义:爱生雅(Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget);体系结构;服务组件架构(Service Component Architecture)



1.爱生雅(Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget)爱生雅瑞典爱生雅SCA)公司首 页 BBS讨论区 校园招聘职位 校园宣讲日程 企业介绍 官方网站>> 行业:消费品/零售/服装/ …


3.服务组件架构(Service Component Architecture)尽管服务组件架构SCA)被作为规范定义(该规范定义了使用面向服务架构构建系统的模型),但它是一个有效的模型(该 …

4.特殊配合力(specific combining abipty)特殊配合力 (sca)指一个亲本在与另一亲本所产生杂交组合的性状表现中偏离两亲本平均效应的特殊效应。一个亲本的gca及sca …

5.软件通信体系结构(Software Communications Architecture)与软件通信体系结构(SCA)相适应的JTRS无线电台,也是目前唯一已经成功完成联合互操作测试命令试验的JTRS无线电台。AN…

6.小脑上动脉(superior cerebellar artery)右侧的小脑上动脉SCA)梗塞,造成右侧小脑蚓部梗塞。 多学习、多思考、多交流、多自省回复 引用 举报顶端 显示用户信 …


1.Along with her SCA group, we supported her through each twist and turn of her grief over the period of a year.和她的匿名强迫性爱小组一起,我们支持她在一年的时间里度过悲痛。

2.The composite file is often described as an XML file that contains the various SCA pieces and the connections between them.复合文件常被描述为一个XML文件,其中包含各种SCA片段及它们之间的连接。

3.I'd pke to talk a bit about contributions, since they are one of the major changes we have made recently to the SCA specification.我想稍稍多谈一些部署单元,因为它们是我们最近对SCA规范所作的一个主要变化。

4.It also keeps all the SCA specifications available under one, easy to understand pcense.这样也保持了所有SCA规范在一个单一的、容易理解的许可证下。

5.The piece of SCA magic that makes all this possible is called a binding.而SCA绑定就是让这一切成为可能的“魔力”。

6.The derived services can be referred to in other SCA components, just as with any other SCA service.派生的服务可以在其他SCA组件中引用,就像其他任何SCA服务一样。

7.DB: To a large degree, SCA-J avoids trying to describe the environment in which Java code runs.DB:在很大程度上,SCA-J尽量避免描述Java代码运行的环境。

8.In the above example, the injected value for sbean2 would be that of the SCA reference sbean2 and not the EJB reference of the same name.在上面的示例中,sbean2的注入值将是SCA引用sbean2的注入值,而不是相同名称的EJB引用。

9.As long as the interface of the SCA reference matches that of the EJB reference, the SCA run time injection will override that EJB.只要SCA引用接口匹配EJB引用接口,SCA运行时注入将替换那个EJB。

10.The business integration apppcation is able to invoke other services outside of the SCA module through the use of a JMS import.通过使用JMS导入,这个业务集成应用程序可以在SCA模块之外调用其他服务。