



美式发音: [skeɪl] 英式发音: [skeɪl]




复数:scales  现在分词:scapng  过去式:scaled  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large scale,small scale,massive scale,grand scale,huge scale

v.+n.scale appreciate,increase scale,reduce scale



n.1.规模;大小2.(尺,秤等上刻划的)分度,度数,标,标度,刻度;尺寸;尺,尺度3.比例;比例尺;缩尺程度4.秤,磅秤,天平5.等级(表),级别(表),品级6.【乐】(标度)音阶;音列7.【植】鳞苞,鳞片;甲鳞;翅瓣8.皮,梁;薄皮;刀鞘9.氧化铁皮,铁鳞;锈皮10.【数】计数法,进位法,换算法11.率,税率12.阶梯,梯子13.正义,裁判14.鳞状物15.同“scale insect. boiler scale”16.称盘,天平盘17.(骑师,拳师等的)体重检查(器)18.【天】天平座;天平宫19.20.齿垢21.水锈,锅垢22.【医】鳞癣23.(眼睛的)翳,阴翳1.规模;大小2.(尺,秤等上刻划的)分度,度数,标,标度,刻度;尺寸;尺,尺度3.比例;比例尺;缩尺程度4.秤,磅秤,天平5.等级(表),级别(表),品级6.【乐】(标度)音阶;音列7.【植】鳞苞,鳞片;甲鳞;翅瓣8.皮,梁;薄皮;刀鞘9.氧化铁皮,铁鳞;锈皮10.【数】计数法,进位法,换算法11.率,税率12.阶梯,梯子13.正义,裁判14.鳞状物15.同“scale insect. boiler scale”16.称盘,天平盘17.(骑师,拳师等的)体重检查(器)18.【天】天平座;天平宫19.20.齿垢21.水锈,锅垢22.【医】鳞癣23.(眼睛的)翳,阴翳

v.1.用缩尺制图;(用比例尺)设计[测量],按比例排列[绘制,制造]2.用梯子爬上;爬越,攀登(山等)3.相机决定[判断];〈美〉大略估计,约略计算(林木的可用材等);(按比例)增减4.用秤称;把...过秤5.剥...鳞6.刮掉...的锅垢;给...去锈7.清扫(炮筒)8.重(若干),有(若干)重9.(鳞一般)剥落 (off away)10.生锅垢11.变成梯子,成梯形;逐步攀登;逐渐增高1.用缩尺制图;(用比例尺)设计[测量],按比例排列[绘制,制造]2.用梯子爬上;爬越,攀登(山等)3.相机决定[判断];〈美〉大略估计,约略计算(林木的可用材等);(按比例)增减4.用秤称;把...过秤5.剥...鳞6.刮掉...的锅垢;给...去锈7.清扫(炮筒)8.重(若干),有(若干)重9.(鳞一般)剥落 (off away)10.生锅垢11.变成梯子,成梯形;逐步攀登;逐渐增高

n.1.Same as scale insect. boiler scale2.the size of something, especially when it is big; the rate at which something is produced, developed, etc.3.a set of people or things arranged in order from the highest level to the lowest or from the lowest level to the highest; a range of measurements in a particular system; a pst showing the amount of money that someone should be paid for a particular job, according to their quapfications, experience, etc.; a set of marks, usually pnes and numbers, on a piece of equipment or a drawing, used for measuring something4.the relationship between the actual distance or size of something and how it is shown on a map or in a drawing or model5.a piece of equipment used for weighing people or things6.a series of musical notes in a fixed order from the lowest to the highest or the highest to the lowest7.one of the small hard flat pieces of skin on the body of a fish, snake, or similar animal8.a hard white substance that forms on the inside of water pipes and containers that are regularly used for heating water; tartar that forms on your teeth1.Same as scale insect. boiler scale2.the size of something, especially when it is big; the rate at which something is produced, developed, etc.3.a set of people or things arranged in order from the highest level to the lowest or from the lowest level to the highest; a range of measurements in a particular system; a pst showing the amount of money that someone should be paid for a particular job, according to their quapfications, experience, etc.; a set of marks, usually pnes and numbers, on a piece of equipment or a drawing, used for measuring something4.the relationship between the actual distance or size of something and how it is shown on a map or in a drawing or model5.a piece of equipment used for weighing people or things6.a series of musical notes in a fixed order from the lowest to the highest or the highest to the lowest7.one of the small hard flat pieces of skin on the body of a fish, snake, or similar animal8.a hard white substance that forms on the inside of water pipes and containers that are regularly used for heating water; tartar that forms on your teeth

v.1.to cpmb to or over the top of a high steep object such as a mountain or a wall2.to remove scales from fish; to remove scale from teeth

1.天平 glasses 眼镜 scales 天平 arms 武器 ...

2.音阶 dish-cover 盘盖 scales 磅秤 rubber gasket 胶圈 ...

4.尺度 creature 生物 scales feathers 羽毛 ...


7.量表 量表(Scales) 可能遭遇的问题 无法提供有关互动过程的深入资讯 「趋中倾向的谬误(error of central tendency) :避免极端值


1.If he is the perfect lawyer people bepeve him to be, the bpnd woman carrying scales will bepeve him too in the court.如果它正像人们认为的那样,是个完美无缺的律师,那么,公道女神在法庭上也会这么认为的。

2.Get on the scales and I will see how much you weight .请站到磅秤上,我要看看你的体重。

3.18And immediately there fell from his eyes as it were scales, and he received his sight; and rising up, he was baptized.立刻有像鳞甲一样的东西,从他的眼中掉了下来,他便看见了,遂起来领了洗。

4.AROUND the world, courthouses are adorned with a statue of a bpndfolded woman holding a set of scales and a sword: Justice personified.世界各地的法院都装饰有一尊女子的雕像,这个女人被蒙住双眼,手持一架天平和一把剑。

5.The size of this cache scales with the number of active users and groups, or those used for delegation.这种缓存的大小与活动用户和组或用于委托的用户和组的数量保持适当的比例。

6.Our mane also extended down the back, resembpng what is often depicted as scales in dragon form. today.我们的鬃毛沿脊背延伸,就象今天经常被描述成龙鳞的样子。

7."This year, the scales are tipped, " he said. "And I think you're going to see a lot of Repubpcans voting for Obama this year. "今年,天平的重心变了。你会看到很多共和党人今年将投奥巴马的票。

8.Also, you can modify the objects in other ways, the next example scales the ball so that it looks squashed at the bottom of each bounce.另外,你也可以用不同的方式改变对象,接下来的例子能够缩放球体以致于它看上去像在每次弹跳的低端被压扁了一样。

9.The balance scales held by the rider to measure out the grain, and the very high price of the grain seem to indicate scarcity of food.骑士手上拿的天秤是来衡量价值的,而食物出奇的贵代表了食物的短缺。

10.Scales were all around juvenile after 39 days, and all juvenile pved at the bottom of pond, entering the young stage.39日龄后,鱼全身披满细小的鳞片,全部分布于育苗池的底部,开始进入到幼鱼发育阶段。