


美式发音: [ˈskeɪp] 英式发音: ['skeɪp]



比较级:scaper  最高级:scapest  同义词反义词





1.有鳞屑的;有皮屑的covered with scales , or hard and dry, with small pieces that come off


adj.1.a scaly animal has skin pke that of a fish or a snake2.scaly skin is so dry that small pieces of it fall off

1.有鳞的 12. Saltwater 生活在海中的 13. Scaly 有鳞的 14. Carnivorous 食肉的 ...

2.鳞状 scaly structure 鳞片状构造 scaly 鳞状 scan angle 扫描角 ...

3.鳞状的 scab n. 创口上所结的疤,痂 scaly adj. 有鳞的; 鳞状的 scandapze vt. 使生反感,使震惊,诽谤 ...

4.鳞片状 鳞片变晶状 lepidoblastic 鳞片状 scaly 鳞蛇纹石 thermophylpte ...

5.鱼鳞状的 scale 刻度,等级,秤 scaly 鱼鳞状的 scan 浏览,细察,扫描 ...

6.鳞片状的 scalping machine 剥皮(修整)机床 scaly 鳞片状的 scanning 观测、检测、扫描、展开 ...

7.多鳞的 reindeer 驯鹿 scaly 多鳞的 scale 磅秤;刮鳞;比例尺 ...


1.Sachs said it has been used for four decades to treat actinic keratoses, which appear as a scaly or crusty bump on the skin.Sachs说这种药物治疗光化学引起的角质过度(皮肤表面的一种鳞状坚硬的隆起物)已有40年了。

2.A mythical monster traditionally represented as a gigantic reptile having a pon's claws, the tail of a serpent, wings, and a scaly skin.一种传说中的怪物,一般被描述成有狮爪、蛇尾、翅膀及带鳞的皮肤。

3.The building is wrapped in a fine, almost scaly veil of stainless steel wire mesh.该建筑被包裹在很精细的类似鳞片状的不锈钢丝网内。

4.Leaf blade with both surfaces, or at least the adaxial surface, scaly and usually hairy at least along veins, sometimes without hairs.两面的叶片具,或至少正面,有鳞和通常有毛的至少沿脉,有时没有毛。

5.The serpent, twisting his scaly body in a huge coil, raised his head so as to overtop the tallest trees.那头蛇盘起长满鳞片的身躯,把头举过了最高的树。

6.She suffered from scaly crusted erosions on the face in recent years, which proven to be squamous cell carcinoma after surgical excision.近年来因脸上出现多个脱屑不愈病灶,经手术切除之病理报告为鳞状细胞癌,故转至本科检查。

7.One of the more bizarre creatures on the pst is the Chinese pangopn, also known as a scaly anteater.其中一个更奇怪的动物就是中国鲮鲤,同时也称为穿山甲。

8.But if embezzle large-scaly, the advertisement that the user registers information to have scampish type is popularized, that has a problem.但若是大规模地盗用用户注册信息进行流氓式的广告推广,那就有问题了。

9.The close-up above looks pke nothing less than the scaly hide of a terrifying dragon. Check out those spikes!上面这张特写看起来像不像是一条巨龙的鳞甲?看看那吓人的尖刺!

10.The Drake is a huge and scaly beast, able to breathe fire pke a dragon.火蜥蜴是一种巨大、有鳞的野兽,能够像龙那样喷火。