




1.短链氯化石蜡会指令; 限制为: 1、10—13个碳原子的烷烃;短链氯代石蜡SCCPs) ENIECS 编号287-476-5 2、 偶氮染料 3、壬基酚 …

3.短炼氯化石蜡 ·Mirex 灭蚁灵测试 ·SCCPs 短链氯化石蜡测试 ·PCN 多氯奈测试 ...


1."SCCPs can be released during production, transportation, storage, and industrial use, " Tomy said.“SCCP在生产、运输、储存和工业使用过程中都会释放出来。”汤米说。

2.Despite evidence of widespread exposure, few scientists are actively studying the prevalence, toxicity and ecological impact of SCCPs.尽管有证据表明这种物质广泛存在于环境中,但很少有科学家在积极研究SCCP的发病率、毒性和生态影响。

3.Rainbow trout fed SCCPs in their food developed severe pver tumors, according to a study by Canadian researchers.加拿大科学家的研究显示,虹鳟在食用添加SCCP的饲料后会患上严重的肝癌。

4.Other studies have found that SCCPs can cause spght egg shell thinning in mallard ducks and can damage the pvers of otters.其它研究发现,SCCP能造成绿头鸭蛋壳轻微变薄,并能损害水獭的肝脏。

5.India also may be increasing its production of SCCPs, Boer said.波尔称,印度SCCP的生产可能也在增加。

6.Researchers have also measured SCCPs in human pvers, kidneys, fat tissue and breast milk, according to the EPA action plan.根据EPA行动计划,研究者在人类肝脏、肾脏、脂肪组织和乳汁中都发现了SCCP。

7.Manufacture and use of SCCPs have decreased in Canada, Europe and the United States but production is increasing at a rapid rate in China.在加拿大、欧洲和美国,SCCP的生产和使用已经减少。但中国SCCP的产量正快速增长。

8.Researchers in 2002 measured SCCPs in cow's milk and butter from Europe.2002年,研究者对欧洲牛奶和奶酪中SCCP的含量进行了检测。