


网络释义:科学引文索引;社会关怀研究所(Social Care Institute for Excellence);深圳教育国际交流学院(Shenzhen College of International Education)


1.科学引文索引’ SERVICES REPORT 57 The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) was estabpshed by Government in 2001 to improv…

3.深圳教育国际交流学院(Shenzhen College of International Education)自从香港中文大学毕业后,就跟着深圳教育国际交流学院SCIE)这个刚出生的孩子一路成长。一方面,我一直在“A-LEVEL教 …


1.It is fair to say that the academic achievements and overall quapties of SCIE graduates have been recognized internationally.可以说,我校的在教育方面取得的成就及整体的教学质量已经得到了国际认可。

2.SCIE has changed out of recognition in size, income and in the excellence of its teaching and the quapty of its students.交流学院已经变得今非昔比,不管在规模、收入还是教学水平或学生质量方面都是如此。

3.A very warm welcome to you all on this our second SCIE graduation dinner.热烈欢迎你们来参加我们交流学院第二届毕业典礼。

4.Staff training is a tradition at SCIE, which helps teachers continuously improve their teaching skills, which in the end benefits students.SCIE每年都会给教师提供培训机会,这可以不断提高他们的教学技能,从而让学生受益匪浅。

5.Two, three or four years ago, you came full of hope and expectations to SCIE and became our third group of students to graduate.四年前,你们满怀希望和憧憬,来到了深圳教育国际交流学院,成为了我校的第三批学生。

6.Example proved this method is feasible , and offer a view method for management and scie. . .通过实例计算表明该方法是可行的,这为水资源的管理和科学利用提供了一种新方法。

7.In representing all SCIE graduates of 2009, we are proud to stand here tonight and make a speech.很荣幸今晚可以站在这里,代表深圳教育交流学院2009届的毕业生作毕业致词。

8.This is a two-part unit on therapeutic interventions in dementia, based on NICE and SCIE (2006) guidance.这是一个分为两部分单位在老年痴呆症的治疗干预措施的基础上,尼斯和科研(2006年)的指导。

9.KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Scie.韩国科学技术院-韩国高等研究所科研。

10.Maybe one day in the future, we will meet again, share some wonderful stories of SCIE and have a laugh.也许,将来有一天,我们会再次团聚,回忆在当年在交流学院的点点滴滴。