


美式发音: [skɔrtʃt] 英式发音: [skɔː(r)tʃt]








adj.1.burned on the surface2.a scorched plant is dead or dying from disease, lack of water, or extreme heat

v.1.The past participle and past tense of scorch

1.焦头烂额 29片棕榈叶 29 Palms 焦头烂额 Scorched 业余赌徒 Bookies ...

2.烧焦的 Charred 焦炭的 Scorched 烧焦的 Infernal 炼狱的 ...

3.焦土战争 4. brush set incorrectly 碳刷安装不正确 5. scorched 烤焦 6. coked 结焦 ...

5.焦糊味 ... 1.ringlet n. 小环,小圈,卷发 2.scorched adj. 烤焦的 5.petulant adj. 暴躁的,易生气的,难以取悦 …


1.'He began to knead my whole body as if it were clay, while from him emanated a heat which scorched me and melted me. '他揉捏着我的身体就像揉捏着黏土,迸发出的热情将我炙烤融化。

2.(3)The very dust was scorched brown, and something quivered in the atmosphere as if the air itself was panting.连那尘土都被炙烤成褐色;大气中似乎也有什么东西在颤抖,仿佛空气本身也在气喘吁吁。

3.Those dropped flowers, scorched by the sun, turned into dry yellow ones and fluttered around the balcony when a breeze came up.掉落的茉莉经过烈日的烤炙已经变成了黄色的干花,微风时便在阳台上打着转儿。

4.My translator and I walked up to an old man standing in front of what had been a house, now a heap of scorched bamboo.我和我的翻译走向一名老人,他站的地方原本是一座房子,现在只剩下一堆烧焦的竹子。

5.Eight-burned the Summer Palace, so that this world's most splendid architectural transience into a scorched earth and rubble . . .八烧了颐和园,使这个世界上最壮丽的建筑顷刻变成焦土和瓦砾…

6.And when the sun rose, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered.日头一出来,就晒焦了,又因没有根,便枯干了。

7.But an industrial river pke the South Branch reveals the backside where the factory windows are broken and scorched black.芝加哥河南支流等工业河流则反映了城市背面的景象。厂房的窗户支离破碎,被烟熏得漆黑。

8.Will the ozone layer be depleted so much that our Earth is scorched dry by the sun?臭氧层会被严重损耗以致于我们的地球被太阳烤干吗?

9.The most ambitious of these projects is in Toshka, a Sahara Desert oasis in a scorched lunar landscape of sand and rock outcroppings .这些计画当中,企图心最大的是撒哈拉沙漠中的绿洲托什卡,位于有如月球表面的焦土中,遍地沙石与外露岩块。

10.Sunny time cannot too long, long water does not follow to go up, the valley will be scorched, appeared " halter" .晴天的时间不能太久,久了水分跟不上,谷花会被烤焦,出现“笼头”。