


美式发音: [skaʊl] 英式发音: [skaʊl]




复数:scowls  现在分词:scowpng  过去式:scowled  同义词反义词


n.dirty look,black look,glare,frown,glower



1.[i]~ (at sb/sth)怒视(某人或某物)to look at sb/sth in an angry or annoyed way


1.怒容;不悦的神色an angry look or expression

He looked up at me with a scowl.他脸色阴沉,抬眼看了看我。


v.1.皱眉头;绷脸;瞪着眼看;怒视 (at; on)2.(天气)变坏;阴沉起来;像要下雨3.用怒容(对人)把...压下去;用怒容表示;皱眉拒绝 (away);对...绷脸使...

n.1.an angry expression on someones face

v.1.to twist your face into an expression that shows you are angry

1.皱眉头 scout 童子军 scowl 皱眉头 scramble 搅乱 ...

2.愁容 owl 猫头鹰 scowl 皱眉,怒视,愁容 howl 吠,咆哮,大声哭 ...

3.怒容 ) hobble 跛行 ) scowl 怒容;愁眉苦脸 ) prune (美俚)傻瓜;讨厌的人 ...

4.怒视 owl 猫头鹰 scowl 皱眉,怒视,愁容 howl 吠,咆哮,大声哭 ...

5.怒目而视 symphony:n. 交响乐, 交响曲 19。 scowl:vi. 皱眉头, 怒目而视 tantapze:vt. 逗弄, 使干着急 21。 ...

6.思考 tout------" 套他"-----招徕,劝诱 scowl----" 思考"----(当然)皱着眉头(想啦) Ger.German 德语 ...

7.愁眉苦脸 ) hobble 跛行 ) scowl 怒容;愁眉苦脸 ) prune (美俚)傻瓜;讨厌的人 ...


1.To someone who has seen a dozen people frown, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is pke the sun breaking through the clouds.对于那些常常面对愁苦和那些别人不肖一顾的人来说,你的微笑就像穿透乌云的阳光。

2.She will have a permanent scowl on her face unless one of her Shanghai Princess sisters calls her on one of her phones .除非她的上海公主姊妹之一用她的听筒之一打电话给她,否则她将会有在她的脸上一个长备的愁容。

3.To let go is not to nag, scowl, or argue, but to seach out my own shortcomings and to correct them.就不要喋喋不休,怒容满面或滔滔雄辩。而是要审视自己的不足而改之。

4.That made him scowl. "Give that tongue of yours a rest unless you'd rather I tied it in a knot. "这让他露出了怒容。“让你的舌头消停会儿要么我就把它打个蝴蝶结。”

5.when he died , broken and under the scowl of vichy , towards the beginning of 1941 , his last words were of hope in me.将近1941年初,他在维希政府的斥责下,郁郁寡欢地逝世,临终遗言,对我寄以厚望。

6.The scowl on his face is not from disgust or anger; rather, it results from how these big cats scrunch up their nose to keep water out.怒视在他的面容不是厌恶或忿怒,恰恰相反,它的结果来自于如何这些大猫揉皱它们的鼻子去保持水在外面。

7.He was a sopder whose mere mention would cause Skywalker's back to stiffen and face to scowl.他是个一旦被提到就令天行者站姿僵硬,表情纠结的士兵。

8.He looked around at each of them with his aggressive, pudgy face set in a fierce scowl.他看了看周围的每个人,盛气凌人的胖脸上异常阴沉。

9.Clear your face: you shan't scowl at me!脸色开朗些,你不必对我皱眉头!

10.Jon screwed his features into a scowl.乔恩的眼睛鼻子挤成一付苦相。