


美式发音: [ˈskræɡ(ə)p] 英式发音: ['skræɡ(ə)p]



比较级:scraggper  最高级:scraggpest  同义词反义词





1.稀疏凌乱的;散乱的thin and growing in a way that is not even

a scraggly beard稀稀拉拉的胡子

adj.1.1. 稀疏的,稀少的;短小的2.不规则的;不整齐的;参差的;散乱的3.破烂的

adj.1.scraggly hair is messy and does not look clean or healthy

1.不整齐 〖athatchedhouse〗 蓬户瓮牖 〖scraggly不整齐,参差不齐 〖housesofthepoor〗 蓬蓬 ...

2.蓬乱的 firefly 萤火虫 scraggly 参差不齐的;蓬乱的 gangly 身材瘦长的 ...

3.参差不齐 〖athatchedhouse〗 蓬户瓮牖 〖scraggly〗 不整齐,参差不齐 〖housesofthepoor〗 蓬蓬 ...

4.凹凸不平的 scotch v.镇压,粉碎,阻止 scraggly a.凹凸不平的;散乱的 scrape v.刮,擦;擦掉 ...

5.不整齐的 ... 19. baker's dozen:13 完全是 3. scraggly 蓬乱的,不整齐的 4. forlorn 被遗弃的 ...

6.散乱的 scotch v.镇压,粉碎,阻止 scraggly a.凹凸不平的;散乱的 scrape v.刮,擦;擦掉 ...


1.He was ragged but he had an air of dignity around him. His scraggly blond beard keep more than his face warm.他穿的破旧,但身上有一股气式,他蓬乱的金色胡子使他的脸更暧和。

2.This odd mix of intensity and aloofness, combined with his shoulder-length hair and scraggly beard, gave him the aura of a crazed shaman.他这种奇怪的个性组合:高度紧张却又超然离群,再加上他的外表——齐肩的头发和凌乱的胡子,让他看起来像是个疯狂的萨满巫师。

3.The bear had dark eyes, and its scraggly brown fur was dotted with patches of gray.这头熊有黑色的眼睛,它蓬乱的棕色皮毛上点缀着灰色斑点。

4.I gave Minnie a good bath and fluffed up what was left of her scraggly hair.我给米妮好好洗了个澡,梳理了她的卷毛,还清理了脱下来的绒毛。

5.'Nobody is looking to make a foreign-exchange trade to make money, but you don't want to be a loser, ' the scraggly bearded manager said.这位留着一副凌乱大胡子的经纪人说,“没人指望通过汇率交易赚钱,不过你也不想因为这个亏钱。”

6.In a video released Thursday, the men-shirtless, scrawny, with scraggly beards, but big smiles-showed the world their temporary home.在上周四公布的一段录像中,这些上身赤裸、面容消瘦、胡子拉碴但脸上却有着灿烂笑容的矿工们向世界展示了他们的临时居所。

7.Fingerprints are scraggly pnes on the tip of fingers, which have the characteristics of unique and stabipty.指纹是手指末端正面皮肤上凸凹不平的纹路,它具有唯一性和稳定性的特点。

8.He sat up, rubbed his hand through his scraggly hair, and asked, "Computer, what's the date? "他坐了起来,用手指抓挠了下一头茅草般的乱发,问道:“电脑,今天是几号?”

9.But replanted bamboo comes out scraggly.但重新种植的竹子依然参差不齐。

10.It holds its head way up high, standing in a dry and scraggly patch of meadow, a colorful and vivid oil painting它高昂头站在枯涩的草丛,一幅色彩鲜艳的油画