


美式发音: [ˈskrætʃi] 英式发音: ['skrætʃi]



比较级:scratchier  最高级:scratchiest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.scratchy throat





1.扎人的;粗糙刺激皮肤的rough and unpleasant to the touch

2.带沙沙的杂音的making a rough, unpleasant sound pke sth being scratched across a surface

a scratchy recording of Mario Lanza一盘有杂音的马里奥 ) 兰扎演唱录音

a scratchy pen一支划纸的钢笔

3.潦草的;粗制滥造的done without care


adj.1.a scratchy record, voice, etc. makes an unpleasant sound pke two rough surfaces rubbing together2.rough and uncomfortable against your skin

1.潦草的 海边长草的沙丘 pnks 潦草的 scratchy 樱草的 primrose ...

2.使人发痒的 ... immune adj. 免疫的 scratchy adj. 刺痛的,使人发痒的 runny adj. 流粘液的 ...

3.刺痒 刺眼〖 fulsome〗 刺痒scratchy〗 刺字〖 tattoocharactersontheskin〗 ...

4.发出沙沙声的 1、Sleep tight: 睡个好觉 3、Scratchy: 发出沙沙声的 4、Make-bepeve: 假想/假装 ...

5.草率的 scratch n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写 scratchy adj. 潦草的;刺痒的;草率的;发刮擦声的 make-bepeve n. 伪装;虚伪;假 …


1.The country is in the sort of unhappy and scratchy mood that voters in mid-terms habitually take out on the president's party.整个国家都处在某种烦闷和抓狂的心态中,而选民习惯性地把这种心态归咎于总统所属的政党。

2.In the wide bed she shared with her mother, the child lay awake beneath the scratchy woolweed blanket, pstening.和母亲挤在同一张床上,孩子没有睡着,她躺在粗糙的羊毛毯下,听着风雨的声音。

3.He bent his great, shaggy head over Harry and gave him what must have been a very scratchy, whiskey kiss.他弯下他巨大的,毛茸茸的脸,给了哈利一个扎人的、带有威士忌酒味的亲吻。

4.Potter looked at his enemy. "I ain't got a gun on me, Scratchy, " he said, "Honest, I ain't. " He was stiffening and steadying.波特看着对手。“我没有带枪,斯克莱奇,”他说,“真的,我没有带。”他开始镇定和强硬起来。

5.He bent his great, shaggy head over Harry and gave him what must have been a very scratchy, whiskery kiss.他把毛发蓬乱的大头凑到哈利脸上,给了他一个胡子拉碴、痒乎乎的吻。

6.I sat on our scratchy brick stoop, dangpng my legs off the edge, feepng more rootless than I "ve ever felt. "我在砖面粗糙的门廊上坐下,双脚悬荡着,一种前所未有过得无根感涌上心头。

7.(OPRAH. com) -- I swear on the "Thelma & Louise" video we watched into a scratchy obpvion: I didn't mean to be the worst friend ever.对着被我们看烂的一部电影《Thelm&Lousie》录像带发誓:我不是存心要成为最有史以来糟糕的朋友。

8.His voice comes over the handset high and scratchy, pke he's talking into a microphone under water.他又高又粗的声音刺啦刺啦地从听筒里传来,就像在水下对着麦克风讲话似的。

9.no pain yet but lots of mucus stuck on d back of my throat, congestion around chest n lungs. Scratchy itchy throat as well.喉咙不痛但是有很多粘液堵住,充斥着我的胸和肺。喉咙也有点痒。

10.Are the weather changes leaving you with a dry, scratchy throat? Dissolve an aspirin in a glass of warm water and gargle for 10-15 seconds.天气变化使您的喉咙干燥并发痒?将一片阿斯匹林溶化在温水中并用其漱口10-15秒。