


美式发音: [ˈskubə] 英式发音: ['skju:bə]


网络释义:水中呼吸器;水下呼吸器(Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus);自给式水下呼吸器




n.1.an apparatus for breathing underwater consisting of a portable canister of compressed air and a mouthpiece

1.水肺 screen n. 屏幕 scuba n. 水肺(潜水者用的水下呼吸器) search v. 搜查;搜索(单词错误) ...

2.水中呼吸器 narcosis n. 昏迷 scuba n. 水中呼吸器 bubble v. 起泡 n.气泡,水泡 ...

3.水下呼吸器(Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) Scoria 火山渣 Scuba 自携式水下呼吸器 Sea Floor Spreading 海底扩张 ...

6.潜水呼吸器 ... banish 放逐 scuba 潜水呼吸器 smuggle 走私 ...


1.One called for the scuba-equipped men, later to be named the "gamma" , to leave a submerged submarine and attack enemy vessels.一个要求潜水装备的男子,后来被命名为“伽马”,离开水下潜艇和攻击敌潜艇。

2.I had never tried scuba diving before, but I made a stab at it while in Hawaii.我以前从来没有潜过水,但是这次在夏威夷尝试了一下。

3.Me too! And I would really love to see the great barrier Reef. I'd pke to go scuba diving.我也是!而且我真的非常希望看到大堡礁。我希望去潜水。

4.However huge the arm, it was fragile, and divers filled a balloon with air from a scuba mouthpiece to gently raise it to the surface.这个胳膊体形巨大,但易碎。潜水员用自携式水下呼吸器把气球充满气,让它缓缓地把胳膊带到水面。

5.And the sudden change in air pressure would lead to a nasty case of the bends, as if you were scuba diving and came up too fast.而气压的突然改变也会引起严重的减压病,就好像你在戴着水肺潜水而上来的太快一样。

6.The doctors told me that the ringing may be permanent and that I should not continue scuba diving, but he is not a diver.医生告诉我,耳鸣可能会是长期的,他建议我最好不要再潜水了。

7.Simply flooding the fuselage with water is one solution, but this means the crew would have to be kitted out with scuba equipment.简单可行的办法是往机仓里充水,但这也意味着舱里的成员每人必须带有呼吸器。

8.The condition, known as pulmonary barotrauma , resembles the injuries SCUBA divers suffer if they return to the surface too quickly.这种情况被称为“肺气压伤”,类似于身背水肺的潜水员返回表面太快时所遭受的伤害。

9.Every year Monaco hires scuba divers to swim in its harbors in case one of the cars goes off the track and fpes into the water.每年摩纳哥都会雇用潜水员在港边游泳,以防赛车偏离跑道,飞入了海里。

10.There might be no better place in the world to learn to scuba dive than the glassy seas around Key West, at the southernmost tip of the U.世界上恐怕没有什么地方比美国最南端的基韦斯特(KeyWest)这片晶莹透明的海域更适合学习戴水肺潜水了。