




1.史卡利大家应该都听过这个故事,当初贾伯斯去挖角可口可乐的史卡利(Scully)时,对他说的一句话:『你下半辈子要继续卖糖水, …

2.斯库利 ... KRYCEK:Your baby was a miracle. 克莱契克:你的孩子是个奇迹。 SCULLY:My baby is normal. 史高丽:我的孩 …

4.史考利X档案》电视版为蓝本改编,以莫德(Mulder)和史考莉Scully)探员调查一项鬼魂版的超自然现象杀手的案件开始,之后 …

6.斯卡利斯卡利Scully)在研究了美国1929-1989年间经济增长与税收占GDP之间的比重关系后发现,美国税收负担超过23%时,经 …


8.斯卡莉呼叫斯卡莉Scully)医生:《X档案》(X Files)女星吉莲·安德森(Gilpan Anderson)未来将以莱克特的私人治疗师一角出 …


1.SCULLY feels frantically under the floormat . SKINNER holds up the car keys for her to see .史高丽在垫子下面感觉很疯狂。斯金纳拿起汽车钥匙给她看。

2.Agent Scully was not prepared to blow the whistle on Mulder for his continuing investigation of the closed X- Files .对穆德仍继续调查秘密的X档案一事,史考莉探员并不打算走漏消息。

3.SCULLY hangs up the phone, then turns toward the door as she hears a creaking floorboard.史高丽挂上电话,她听到了地板吱吱作响于是往门口走。

4.SCULLY looks as if she's going to cry. Music is sad, perfectly reflecting a mood of this scene.史高丽看起来好像要哭了。音乐很凄惨,很好地显示了这个场景。

5.AGENT GENE CRANE: Agent Scully tells us she was home last night. We see from your phone log, you were here until at least after 10: 00.吉恩克雷恩探员:史高丽探员告诉我们昨天晚上她在家。我们从你的电话记录看出,至少10点前你都在这里。

6.SCULLY: It's all right here. For a year, he was going to doctors. There's a clear record of his decpne.史高丽:就是这样的。这一年,他一直在看病。这里有他(情况)变坏的明确记录。

7.MULDER and SCULLY at SCULLY's home in her bedroom holding their new son WILLIAM between them.莫德和史高丽在史高丽家里她的卧室里抱着他们新生的儿子威廉。

8.An SUV pulls up beside the other trucks. SKINNER is driving. SCULLY gets out of the passenger side and walks up to DOGGETT.一辆SUV听到了其他卡车的旁边。斯金纳在开车。史高丽从乘客位置下车走向道根。

9.SCULLY and REYES in their hiding place in Democrat Hot Springs. Surrounded by a bunch of apen reppcants. BILLY MILES is one of them.史高丽和瑞斯在他们的藏身处民主党温泉那里。被一群外星复制人围着。比利迈尔斯在他们中间。

10.You were the last person to see Mulder. You and Agent Scully.你们是最后看到莫特探员的人。你和史高丽探员。