


美式发音: [ˈskɜrvi] 英式发音: [ˈskɜː(r)vi]




比较级:scurvier  最高级:scurviest  



1.坏血病a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C from not eating enough fruit and vegetables



adj.1.<obsolete>Same as scurfy

n.1.an illness caused by not eating enough foods that contain vitamin ca natural substance found in fruit and vegetables

1.坏血病 anemia 贫血,贫血症 scurvy 卑鄙的,可鄙的 diabetes 糖尿病 ...

3.下流的 scrawl 潦草地写>仔细的写 scurvy 下流的>不应受责备的 sedate 稳定>轻浮 ...

4.坏血症成胶原蛋白分子(tropocollagen),之后再组成微纤维。在制造procollagen时,需要Vit. C,所以坏血病患(scurvy)伤口难以癒合 …

6.可鄙的 anemia 贫血,贫血症 scurvy 卑鄙的,可鄙的 diabetes 糖尿病 ...

7.坏血病的因子维生素丙(Vitamin C)是抗坏血病的因子(Scurvy)。Vit.D对钙之代谢,Vit A之对眼结膜及上皮细胞的角化具有关系。


1.Captain James Cook had reached Austrapa's east coast, and thanks to sauerkraut and citrus juice, he had lost none of his crew to scurvy.多亏了腌菜和柠檬,詹姆斯库克船长才能达到澳大利亚的东海岸,没有一个船员得坏血病。

2.In the early days of the cppper ships, sailors who went on long voyages would often get a dangerous disease called scurvy.在使用快速帆船的初期,远洋海员们往往会患一种叫做坏死病的危险疾病。

3.It turned out that the body is due to a chronic lack of vitamin C caused scurvy.原来,是由于人体内长期缺乏维生素C引起了坏血病。

4.The tooth is thought to have been pulled in 1817 when he suffered from a mouth inflammation diagnosed as scurvy .这颗牙齿很可能在1817年被拔下,当时拿破仑罹患了坏血病,而为口腔发炎所苦。

5.Scurvy is marked by spongy gums, loosening of the teeth, and a bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes.坏血病的症状是海绵状肿胀、牙齿疏松、皮肤和黏膜出血。

6.Vitamin C plays a critical role in health, and a prolonged deficiency leads to scurvy and eventually to death.维生素C在维持健康方面起了重要的作用,长期缺乏将引起坏血病,最终导致死亡。

7.a widely distributed arctic cress reputed to have value in treatment or prevention of scurvy; a concentrated source of vitamin C.在北极地区一种分布很广的一种水芹,被认为对坏血病的治疗和预防很有价值;是维他命c主要来源。

8.Way station en route to India, Mozambique was also a graveyard for hundreds of Portuguese victims of malaria and scurvy .做为前往印度的中转站,莫桑比克同样是数以百计罹患疟疾和坏血病的葡萄牙牺牲品的坟墓。

9.Pannicuptis has not previously been described in association with scurvy.脂膜炎以前未曾描述与坏血病。

10.Without the vitamin, scurvy would bring on rashes and gum disease, not to mention very bad breath.而坏血病就是由于缺乏维他命而导致的,会引起皮疹,牙周病的症状,口臭就更不在话下。