

sea fishing

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1.海钓 环岛游 Island tour 海钓 Sea fishing 海上休闲观光 Tour ...

2.出海钓鱼 ... (8)海底观鲨( Shark watching) (9)出海钓鱼( Sea Fishing) (10)海边观赏夕阳西下( Alamoana Beac…

3.海洋钓研 ... 66.飞马鱼池( Fei Ma Yu Chi) 67.海洋钓研( Sea Fishing) 68.珍宝( Cherish Aquarium) ...

4.出海捕鱼 全部26件合格作品 2.想法赏 Idea Prize: (14) 出海捕鱼 Sea Fishing 2. ...

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6.海上垂钓 ... 音乐 Music 海上垂钓 Sea Fishing 摩托艇 Luxury Jet Ski ...


1.Like the win universal praise the story of the fisherman: a fisherman at sea fishing, fishing for a few received rod ready to go home.就像那个脍炙人口的渔夫的故事:一位渔夫在海边钓鱼,钓了几条就收了杆准备回家。

2.Deep sea fishing hunting video game over man's mode of description Model is, up to one mode of fishing is, let me tell you!模式是什么,捕鱼达人模式是什么,下面让我来告诉你吧!

3.However, he did not give up, Is still out to sea fishing.但是,他没有放弃,仍然出海捕鱼。

4.He wanted to go fishing, on one of those deep-sea fishing boats. . . but somehow he never did.他想去钓鱼,在一艘深海鱼船上…但是他从来没实现。

5.Sales of goods and maintenance services to vessels and aircraft used for international transportation and deep sea fishing boats.七销售与国际运输用之船舶、航空器及远洋渔船所使用之货物或修缮劳务。

6.Fishing The Irish Sea fishing industry makes a significant contribution to the economy, in terms of output, employment and exports.爱尔兰海上捕渔业,在产量、就业和出口方面为爱尔兰经济作出了很大贡献。

7.In immediate danger, he said, were the 300 milpon people who depended on forests and the more than 1 bilpon who pved off sea fishing.他说,危在旦夕的是依赖森林生存的三亿人和以海洋渔业为生的十多亿人。

8.The best part of the novel, is in Santiago alone sea fishing boat driven by several days.小说最精彩的部分,是在圣地亚哥独自驾着小船出海捕鱼的那几天。

9.The leisure sea fishing has become one of the noble sports and the important economical growth point in developed country and region.休闲海钓已成为当今许多发达国家和地区的贵族运动项目之一,也成为促进该地区重要的经济增长点。

10.The novel is a description of Liu Xun in recent years, the Lao Yufu, in a single sea fishing, caught a big fish, but do not pull up.小说描写的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,却拉不上来。