


美式发音: [ˈsimən] 英式发音: [ˈsiːmən]





seaman显示所有例句n.— see alsoable seaman,ordinary seaman

1.水兵;水手;海员a member of the navy or a sailor on a ship below the rank of an officer

Seaman Bates《水手贝茨》

a merchant seaman商船船员


n.1.a man who is a sailor, especially one who is not an officer2.a man who has the skills of a sailor

1.海员 海域〖 seaarea;maritimespace〗 海员seaman;mariner〗 海运〖 seatransportation;oceanship…

2.水手 seal n. 海豹 seaman n. 水手; 海员 seashell n. 海贝 ...

3.水兵 drill vt. vi. 钻孔,穿过 seaman n. 海员,水手,水兵 drily ad. 冷冰冰地,干燥地 ...

4.船员 sculptor: 雕刻家 seaman: 船员 secretary: 秘书 ...

5.海员,水手 seal n. 海豹 seaman n. 海员,水手;水兵 seaport n. 海港,港市 ...

6.一等水兵 一级上等兵( Stabs- gefreiter) 一等水兵( Seaman) 一等水兵( Able Seaman) ...

7.希曼阳的尾巴(Tail of the Sun)No3.海人(Seaman)No2.瓦里奥制造:游戏合集No1.拓展恐慌(Stretch Panic)


1.Could not any other seaman sail across the ocean just as he has done?难道别的水手就不能象他那样横渡大洋吗?

2.He went to bed later than usual , but he did not go without his cup of hot chocolate. Mr. White was not a seaman for nothing .那天,他比平时睡的晚,但他还是喝了热巧克力才去睡觉,怀特先生确是个有能力的海员。

3.The old seaman stayed at the inn for many months. The sea-chest in his room was always locked. Nobody knew what was in it.老海员在客房一住就是好几个月。在此期间,他那口箱子总是锁得严严的,没有人知道那里头藏着什么东西。

4.One day, an old, brown-faced seaman came walking along the road, looking about him.一天,从路上走过来一位面色黝黑的老海员,他边走边四下张望。

5."Thy mother is yonder woman with the scarlet letter, " said the seaman. "Wilt thou carry her a message from me? "“你妈妈就是那边那个戴红字的女人吗?”那船长说。“你替我给她捎个口信好吗?”

6.I remember so clearly the day when the old seaman came to stay-I can almost see him in front of me as I write.我清楚地记得那天客店来了一位老海员——他现在就浮现在我眼前。

7.Seaman taught art in Central America and was prepared to see the world by teaching when she became engaged.希曼在中美洲教授艺术,当她订婚以后她准备通过教书来了解全世界。

8.Photographs There were books, clothing and photographs, together with letters which the seaman had once received from his wife.其中有书籍、衣服、照片以及水手收到的妻子的来信。

9.And could not any other seaman sail across the ocean just as he has done ?难道其他海员就不能像他一样横跨大洋吗?

10.He was a seaman, but he was a wanderer, too, while most seamen lead, if one may so express it, a sedentary pfe.他是一名海员,但又是一个流浪汉;而其他大多数海员,如果可以这样说的话,都过着一种蜗居的生活。