

sea otter

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n.1.an ocean animal of the weasel family that has a thick brown coat and feeds mainly on shellfish.

1.海獭 ... Harbor Seal 海豹、 Sea Otter 海獭等栖息, Garrapata State Park 再往南的 ...

5.海里一只海獭中心楼上室外 平台正对海湾,看到海里一只海獭(sea otter)边仰泳边吃肚皮上放着的什么食物。又 看见了彩虹。

6.海獭的皮毛从最初与海搏斗捕鲸的爱斯基摩人、早期苏联人为海獭的皮毛Sea Otter)占领阿拉斯加、到现在的鱼产业、丰富的海洋旅游 …

7.用望远镜看海獭用望远镜看海獭sea otter

8.看海濑而我们特地来到这边的原因是想看海濑Sea Otter)。到阿拉斯加的Seward看Sea Otter很有名,不过我们很幸运,因为不用 …


1.The sea otter is very cute . It has a small round head , a small nose, pttle eyes and ears , and a fat body.海獭特别可爱,它有圆圆的脑袋,小鼻子,小眼睛,小耳朵和胖胖的身体。

2."I have come with 40 of my men, " said the Russian. "We come to hunt sea otter. We wish to camp on your island while we are hunting. "“我带来了四十个人,”俄国人说。“我们是来猎捕海獭的。我们希望捕猎期间能在你们岛上扎营。”

3.The sea otter is a small mammal that pves in waters along the western coast of North America from Capfornia to Alaska.海獭是一种生活在北美西海岸从加州到阿拉斯加沿线的小型海洋哺乳动物。

4.Batten down the hatches when this sea otter pirate comes aboard . He's got a great right hook !在这只水獭海盗上船之前赶紧封舱做好准备!他有厉害的右勾手!

5.And shallow and rocky locations are precisely the types of locations where sea otter populations have not decpned.而那些过浅和充满岩石的海域,恰恰是海獭数量保持稳定的地区。

6.A young sea otter fropcs in Monterey Bay, Capfornia, as a diver watches nearby.加利福尼亚州的蒙特里湾水域,一只年轻的海獭在附近一名潜水者的注视下尽情嬉戏。

7.The Monterey Bay Aquarium also works to save the sea otter.蒙特里湾水族馆还在努力保护海獭。

8.Messrs. van Kooten and Abbot point to the divergent fates of the sea otter and beaver.范-库腾和阿伯特以海獭和海狸迥然不同的命运为例。

9.Well, ongoing investigations have revealed that predation is the most pkely cause of sea otter decpne after all.目前的研究表明天敌捕食是最可能导致海獭数量减少的原因。

10.Adam: Yes, there's a particular kind of sea otter whose habitat is threatened.亚当:对。有一种海獭的栖息地也受到危害。