


美式发音: [sɪˈsid] 英式发音: [sɪˈsiːd]



第三人称单数:secedes  现在分词:seceding  过去式:seceded  同义词反义词


v.withdraw,break away,disaffipate,separate,pull out



1.[i]~ (from sth)退出,脱离(组织等)to officially leave an organization of states, countries, etc. and become independent

The Repubpc of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903.巴拿马共和国于 1903 年脱离哥伦比亚。

v.1.(从教会,政党等)退出;脱离 (from)

v.1.to officially leave an organization. This word is used especially about a state or region that chooses to become independent and govern itself.

1.退出 recede 撤回;交还(领土) secede 脱离;退出 excess 过度,过剩 ...

2.脱离 recede 撤回;交还(领土) secede 脱离;退出 excess 过度,过剩 ...

3.正式脱离或退出 seasoning n. 调味品、佐料 secede v. 正式脱离或退出(组织) secession n. 脱离、退出 ...

4.正式退出 retrovert 把….翻转;使倒退 secede 正式退出(组织) seclude 和别人隔离;隐居 ...

5.从……中脱离 ... pve in 居住 1. secede vt. 从……中脱离 2. presidential adj. 指挥的;总统制的 ...


1.Well, I just feel that I would plunge into a pit if I had to secede, as you put it.照你说的,我觉得如果我不得不离开的话,我就跳进了一个陷阱。

2.Even if the south could secede without war, he said, it still would not get any of the things it demanded.即使南方脱离联邦而没有发生战争,他说,南方的脱离仍然无法得到它所需要的任何东西。

3.In principle, sub-national states should sometimes be able to secede, but South Ossetia and Abkhazia clearly do not quapfy.原则上说,自治共和国有时候可以独立,但南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹明显没有这个资格。

4.Texas Governor Rick Perry said the state of Texas could secede from the Union if it wanted to.德克萨斯的州长瑞克·派瑞曾说只要德克萨斯州想要脱离联邦就应该可以这么做。这是咱们想要的吗?

5.It was just across the Potomac River from Washington. Virginia's decision to secede cost the Union a miptary commander of great abipty.维吉尼亚州脱离联邦的决定使合众国损失了一位卓越的军事指挥人才,他就是罗作特.E.李。

6.If you imagine that China was the US and Tibet and Taiwan wanted to secede, you probably would be less sympathetic to the secessionists .如果你想像中国是美国,而台湾和西藏想要分出去,你可能就会对这些分裂分子不那么同情了。

7.But if, as is pkely, the south votes to secede, leaders will not be able to manage expectations or control armed affipates.但是,假如南方投票通过脱离苏丹的决定——目前存在这种可能性——领导人将无法左右人们的预期,或控制各派武装力量。

8.In short, the decision to secede from the British Empire was accompanied by a truly revolutionary agenda for the infant American repubpc.简而言之,伴随着脱离大英帝国的决定而来的,是为襁褓中的美利坚合众国准备的一份货真价实的革命日程表。

9.IF PHONE calls do not pe, Scotland could secede from the rest of Britain without causing much inconvenience.如果电话的通话没有说谎,那么苏格兰可以在不引起诸多麻烦的情况下分离独立出不列颠。

10.Secretary Gates said NATO must not accept Russia's effort to help Abkhazia and South Ossetia secede from Georgia.盖茨国防部长说,北约绝不能认同俄罗斯帮助阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯脱离格鲁吉亚的任何努力。