




1.第二天 Third Day 第三天 Second Day 第二天 First Day 第一天 ...

2.第二日 排毒、 消脂、 脂肪 CUT 第二日 Second Day 去水肿、 收线条 Repeving dropsy Firm Body ...

3.初二 First day 初一 Second day 初二 Third and fourth days 初三 ...

4.每两天 = all the day 一整天// every other / second day 每隔一天,每两天// ...

5.第二天议程 ... 当夜的邮寄 overnight 第二天邮寄 second day 三天以上就是 regular ...


1.Experienced the whole night suffer from insomnia, the second day after the pain can do remedial work, must be trying to take a nap at noon.经历了整晚失眠的痛苦之后,第二天能做的补救工作,就是一定要想方设法在中午打个盹。

2.President Barack Obama marked his 50th birthday at the White House on Thursday. It was the second day of celebrations for the president.奥巴马总统8月4日(星期四)在白宫渡过了50岁生日。这是连续第二天为奥巴马庆生。

3.When the first boy didn't see a tiny sprout after the second day, he dug up the seed to see if it had sprouted.第二天,第一个男孩见种子还没有发出芽来,便将种子从土里掘出来,看看它到底有没有发芽。

4.My smart husband got it out with a piece of stone and some rope on the second day.第二天我那聪明的老公用一块石头和一段绳子将它弄出来了。

5.He did not elaborate on why the investigation went into a second day.他并未就调查何以持续到第二天的问题进行详述。

6.By the end of our second day together, Godfrey and I had fallen into the train's easy rhythm.到了第二天晚上,我和高德弗利一起已经融合在火车轻快的节奏中了。

7.On the second day you shall offer twelve calves of the herd, two rams and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish.应献公牛犊十二头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。

8.On his second day as IMF chief, Mr Strauss-Kahn said the rise of these new players was a very important development.斯特劳斯-卡恩在就任总裁的第二天表示,上述三类新参与者的崛起,是一项十分重要的发展。

9.When Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang, he did not find anything unusual. Nothing happened on the second day either.鲁肃又来见诸葛亮,第一天不见动静,第二天也不动。

10.Others have expressed optimism that the talks have at least made it into a second day.另一些人则表示乐观,认为会谈至少已经进入了第二天。