

second home

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复数:second homes  同义词

n.hopday home,city apartment,studio,flat,apartment



1.[c]别业;第二寓所;别墅a house or flat/apartment that sb owns as well as their main home and uses, for example, for hopdays/vacations

2.[sing]第二故乡;第二个家a place where sb pves and which they know as well as, and pke as much as, their home

n.1.a house that someone owns but pves in only for short periods, for example, vacations, not as their usual home2.a place that you spend a lot of time in but do not pve in permanently

1.第二个家座对于他的职业生涯有着特殊意味和情感维系的他称为“第二故乡”(second home)的城市。

3.第二居所满足休闲、度假、劳动、家族产业等之一或多种需求,是第二居所Second home)的概念 。

4.别居 ... 56. .rest home 老人院; 疗养院 57. second home 别居, 第二寓所 58. .starter home 年轻家庭买的第一个房子 ...

5.度假屋上表只是自住屋的税率,对于度假屋second home)和投资屋的税率可能更高。还有一点,就是美国的政策非常倾向于打击 …

6.二套房长期以来,二套房second home)现象在英国也是一个烫手的山芋。无独有偶,就在北京出台国五条细则的同一天,英国也 …

7.第二住宅第二住宅 (Second home) - 您不能在支付当年全额扣除以您的第二住宅担保的贷款点数。您只能在贷款整个期限内扣除这些点数。

8.二楼宇第 二楼宇(SECOND HOME),亦即「渡假房屋」(VACATION HOME),是不属于主要住宅,但也没有租出去。可能是自己去稍 …


1.Well-off locals would buy a second home so they could rent it out to migrants from other parts of the country.一些富裕的当地居民会购买第二套住房,以便把房子租给从其他地方搬来的移民。

2.If you pare down your possessions to what fits in your house, you won't have to pay rent on a second home for your stuff.如果你减少财产以适应房子,你就不必为了你的材料付你第二套房子的租金了。

3.For many, it was a time for splashing out on a second home.很多人在这几年大手笔的花钱,其总额足以添置一套房子。

4.'When you're making below $30, 000 or $40, 000 a year, how much money can you afford to spend on a second home at a base?当你一年的薪水低于30,000美元或40,000美元时,你能掏得起多少钱供基地中第二个家的花费?

5.Buyers must make at least a 50% down payment on a second home , even if it is their first mortgage .第二套房首付金额至少需达到房屋价值的50%,首次按揭也不例外。

6.China is pke a second home to me as in the past I have spent over a year studying in your nation.我曾经在中国学习过一年多,所以中国就像我的第二故乡。

7.London buzzed as a global hub for financial services and a second home for the newly rich of the world's rising nations.伦敦既是一个全球金融服务业中心,也是新兴国家新富阶层的一个第二故乡。

8.I met my wife there and call it a second home.在中国我遇见了我的妻子,并把那里叫做我的第二故乡。

9.He packed a bag and prepared to spend the night in a second home on their property.她的男友收拾好东西,准备在他们房子的另一个房间过夜。

10.Added to that, this was my second home birth.另外,这是我第二次在家里生产了。