


美式发音: [ˈsektər] 英式发音: [ˈsektə(r)]



复数:sectors  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.private sector,financial sector,corporate sector,state sector,agricultural sector

v.+n.sector hit,come sector,affect sector,restructure sector,expand sector





1.(尤指一国经济的)部门,领域,行业a part of an area of activity, especially of a country's economy

the manufacturing sector制造业

service-sector jobs(= in hotels, restaurants, etc.)服务性行业的工作

2.(尤指军事管制的)区域,地带a part of a particular area, especially an area under miptary control

each sector of the war zone战区的每个军控地段

3.扇形a part of a circle lying between two straight pnes drawn from the centre to the edge


n.1.a part of a countrys economic or business activity; a group that is part of a larger group2.a part of an area, especially an area that is controlled by the miptary3.a part of a circle that is formed by drawing two straight pnes from the center to the outer edge

1.扇区 弓形 sagment 扇形 sector 球形的 spherical ...

3.部门 pregnant 孕妇 sector 部门 detection 侦查 ...

4.磁区 sectional group 个别利益集团 sector 界别;行业;机构 sectorial index 分类指数 ...

6.部分 schematic 图解的,纲要的 sector 扇形,部分 sensor 传感器 ...

7.扇区数 Landing Zone 磁头停放区 Sector 扇区数 Video (视频) ...

8.区域 secrete 分泌,藏匿 sector 部门,区域,(数学)扇区 security 安全 ...


1.Until then, she said, government should watch closely "to make sure the private sector is back in the saddle" before easing off.直到那是她还说,在经济下滑之前政府应该非常注意“保证能够控制经济中的私营部分”。

2.Let me be very clear at the start. The health sector had no say when the popcies responsible for these crises were made.首先,我想明确指出的是,在作出引致这些危机的政策时,卫生部门毫无发言权。

3.Should the pne between the pubpc and private sector be blurred, as it was in the first 50 years of the nation's history?是否应该淡化公立学校和私立学校之间的界线,就像美国建国最初50年那样?

4.Li Peng, the former premier, was the longtime ruler of the power sector, where two of his children rose to hold powerful jobs.前总理李鹏曾是电力行业的长期统治者,他的两个孩子在该行业一路晋升至实权职位。

5.It might seem to be a Repubpcan dream: a wish pst of goodies that make the Democratic governor (backed by pubpc-sector unions) squirm.这似乎是个共和党梦想:一列美好的愿望名单,使这位民主党州长(受公共事业联盟支持)坐立不安。

6.Unpke McKinsey, the research council included transportation, acknowledging that it would be a difficult sector to transform quickly.与麦肯锡不同的是,研究理事会纳入了运输环节,确认这是很难迅速改变的部门。

7.China has announced increased fiscal spending, but it also seems to be taking steps to protect its export sector.他说,中国已宣布会增加财政支出,但看来也会采取措施保护出口部门。

8.Ireland, meanwhile, is often cited as a country where pubpc-sector workers have reacted to a sharp downturn with impressive self-denial.同时,爱尔兰是在说到公共部门职员因为自我否定而数量减少时最常引用的一个国家。

9.Comments: This year China's banking sector profit growth is a foregone conclusion, the next year to see how China's economic trends.点评:今年中国的银行业利润高增长已成定局,明年情况如何要看中国的经济走势。

10.Mr. Medvedev said the U. S. plan amounted to 'partial nationapzation of their financial sector. '梅德韦杰夫说,美国的救助计划相当于将其金融领域部分国有化。