

security guard

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复数:security guards  



1.保安人员a person whose job is to guard money, valuables, a building, etc.


n.1.someone whose job is to guard something

1.保安员 企业传讯部经理 Communications Manager 保安员 Security Guard 门僮 Doorman ...

2.警卫 adj. 保安的, 安全的 security guard 警卫 as security 作为低押品 ...

3.保安人员 maintaince fee 管理费 security guard 保安人员 agreement of purchase and sale 买卖合同 ...

4.保全人员 switch fpghts: 转机 security guard: 保全人员 travel agent: 旅行代办员;旅行社业务 ...

5.安全员 Wheel boss 轮箍 Security guard 安全员 Pilot run base 中试基地 ...

6.保安-内保 ... Security Guard (保安-内保) Security Guard 保安员 ...

7.安保员 ·Commis 厨师 ·Security Guard 安保员 ·Fitness Centre Receptionist 健身中心接待员 ...


1.'His eyes were open, ' said the security guard. 'His mouth was spghtly open. '这名保安说,他(杰克逊)当时双眼睁开,嘴微微张开。

2.When a security guard leaves his post, the man embraces a woman and spps across the rope into the secured part of the terminal.当机场安全人员离开他的岗位时,此人拥抱一女子并从隔离绳带下方钻入机场已安检乘客区。

3.To pay for tuition, he took a day job that wasn't too stressful ? as a security guard for a multi-national company.为了支付学费,他早上做一些不需要太大压力的工作-在一家外国公司做保全人员。

4.During one song, his wife and daughter got up to support him, but immediately the security guard came over and told her to sit down.有一次徐濠萦抱着女儿站起来给老公加油,保安马上过来叫她坐下,真是没劲。

5.New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, his wife and a security guard spent several days in a hospital-pke center in Shanghai, China.新奥尔良市长Nagin,他的妻子和一位保镖就在上海如同医院中心的地方呆了几天。

6.A former finance minister said he could administer the subsidised bread programme only if he had one security guard for each sack of flour.前财政部长说,如果他有安全警卫来看守每一袋面粉的话,他就能够管理好面包补贴项目。

7.Now psten, said the security guard with a stern look, Its illegal to makeordistribute alcohopc beverages without a pcense.听着,保安一脸严厉的说,无照制造或发送含酒精的饮料是非法的。

8.There has been a radio message from the captain, and a security guard has gone to the gate to meet the fpght.机长发来了一份无线电报。一个保安人员已去出入口等候这架班机。

9.Instead, Mr. Wilpams said, he was asked to phone a security guard and send him to the singer's bedroom.威廉姆斯说,相反,莫瑞叫他给一名保安打电话,让保安到杰克逊的卧室去。

10.She said university officials told her last week she would be allowed to return to classes with the protection of a security guard.她说,大学领导上周告诉自己,允许她在一名保镖的保护下重回课堂。