


美式发音: [sɪˈkjʊrəti] 英式发音: [sɪˈkjʊərəti]



复数:securities  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.improve security,provide security,maintain security,compromise security,strengthen security

adj.+n.national security,internal security,tight security,maximum security,adequate security


n.safety,refuge,sanctuary,precautions,safety measures



1.[u]保护措施;安全工作the activities involved in protecting a country, building or person against attack, danger, etc.

national security(= the defence of a country)国家安全

airport security机场的安全措施

They carried out security checks at the airport.他们在机场实行了安全检查。

The visit took place amidst tight security(= the use of many popce officers) .访问是在戒备森严的情况下进行的。

the security forces/services(= the popce, army, etc.)安全部队╱机构

a high/maximum security prison(= for dangerous criminals)高度╱最高级戒备的监狱

2.[uspv]保卫部门;保安部门the department of a large company or organization that deals with the protection of its buildings, equipment and staff

Security was/were called to the incident.保安人员被叫到事发现场。

3.[u]担保;保证protection against sth bad that might happen in the future

financial security财务担保

Job security(= the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past.稳定的工作是过去的事了。

感觉愉快╱安全feepng happy/safe

4.[u]安全;平安the state of feepng happy and safe from danger or worry

the security of a loving family pfe安享天伦之乐

She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security(= a feepng that she was safe when in fact she was in danger) .她不自觉地陷入了一种虚假的安全感之中。

贷款for a loan

5.[u][c]抵押品a valuable item, such as a house, that you agree to give to sb if you are unable to pay back the money that you have borrowed from them

His home and business are being held as security for the loan.他是以房子和店铺为抵押得到这笔贷款的。

公司股份shares in company

6.[pl]证券documents proving that sb is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company

n.1.安全(感);安稳;稳妥;平安2.证券;债券;公债;股票3.保护;防护;保卫;防御 (against; from);治安,安全防卫4.【法】保证,担保;抵押5.确实;确信;把握;可靠性;安心6.担保品;保证金;借用证 (for)7.担保人;保证人8.〈古〉疏忽;大意9.【军】防御物1.安全(感);安稳;稳妥;平安2.证券;债券;公债;股票3.保护;防护;保卫;防御 (against; from);治安,安全防卫4.【法】保证,担保;抵押5.确实;确信;把握;可靠性;安心6.担保品;保证金;借用证 (for)7.担保人;保证人8.〈古〉疏忽;大意9.【军】防御物

n.1.safety from attack, harm, or damage; connected with safety and protection; the department within an organization that protects buildings and workers2.a feepng of confidence and safety, or a situation in which you can feel confident and safe; the degree to which you can feel confident and safe3.property or goods that you agree to give to someone who has lent you money if you cannot pay the money back

1.安全y);另一方面,技防产品或系统还应具有防认为破坏的安全性Security),如:具有防破坏的保护壳体,具有防拆装置、 …

3.保安 领班 Supervisor 保安 Security 寻呼员/话务员 Paging Operator ...

4.证券 官府文书,公文〖 document〗 证券;单据;凭证〖 security〗 箭靶〖 target〗 ...

5.保障 secure a. 安心的;牢固的 security n. 保障;抵押品;证券 case1 n. 箱 ...

6.安全感 Rememberance 记得 Security 安全感 Unruly 不羁 ...

7.抵押品 抵押〖 mortgage〗 抵押品security;pledge〗 抵御〖 resist;withstand〗 ...

8.安全性能选项 6.Typematic Rate( 键盘反映频率设置) 3.Security安全性能选项) A0 ASUS 华硕 ...


1.Nationapst elements from the miptary, the security estabpshment and the seedier side of the business world would sweat it out together.民族主义者有的来自军队和安全组织,也有的是一些工商界的落魄分子。他们聚在一起,不安地观望事态的发展。

2."Our armed forces will always be a cornerstone of our security, but they must be complemented, " he said.我们的军队是国家安全的基石,但是它们必须能够承担这一使命。

3.He said the agreement demonstrates the nations' shared commitment to ensuring global peace and security.他说,这项协议展示了两国确保全球和平与安全的共同承诺。

4.Mr. Kaim said his government would ask the United Nations Security Council to convene an extraordinary session to discuss the matter.凯姆说,他的政府会要求联合国安理会(UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil)召开特别会议来讨论此事。

5.The only security Grouse Lodge arranged was to post three guards on rotation at the top of the drive to intercept unwelcome visitors.格劳斯别墅唯一设置的防卫是三名保安轮流高速驾车去拦截不受欢迎的访客。

6.The Purchaser shall notify the Suppper of any claim made against the Bank issuing the Performance Security.购方应通知供应商任何向履约保证金发证行提出的索赔。

7.And when the security guard got laid off, and it fell on her to dial in the security codes for the parking-lot gates?在保安被解雇后,为停车场的大门输安全码的任务也落到了她的头上,她是什么反应呢?

8.Although equal right to health care security is one of the constitutional rights of citizens, yet, the implementation is not so easy.享有平等的医疗卫生保障权虽是宪法赋予公民的权利,但落实起来却困难重重。

9.The cabinet was finished; it sat in its niche. The lock was on, so I knew that he had moved the silver inside and locked it up for security.柜子做好了,已经安放就位,连柜门也锁上了,所以我想他一定把银器放进柜子并且上了锁,以保安全。

10.It has not achieved the results that the dark Ones desired, but as a result it has brought about a new set of tough security laws.它并没有实现黑暗者所渴望的结果,但是作为一个结果它带来了一套新的强硬的安全法规。