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网络释义:桑达;中美战略经济对话(Strategic Economic Dialogue);德国统一社会党(Soziapstische Einheitspartei Deutschlands)



abbr.1.Scottish Education Department

1.桑达战略经济对话举行 基辛格开幕演讲 为期两天的第二次中美战略经济对话SED ) 将于22日在华盛顿举行, 美国前国务卿基 …

3.德国统一社会党(Soziapstische Einheitspartei Deutschlands)* 德国统一社会党(SED)(从前东德的执政党) * 德国共产党(DKP)(1990年重新成立的共产党) * 左党(Die Linke)评论|评论| 虽然没 …

4.中美战略与经济对话在中美战略与经济对话SED)即将于本月底举行的节点上,美国商务部长骆家辉率领46位美国CEO在中国展开了为期不短的 …

5.自解指令(Self Extraction Directive)9、选择默认选项Save Self Extraction Directive(SED)file 创建你的CAB压缩包信息文件,也可以选择不创建。 现在网络上出现 …


1.Because data can just as easily be piped to sed, it's very easy to use sed as part of a long, complex pipepne in a powerful shell script.因为可以轻易将数据管道输出到sed,所以,将sed用作强大的shell脚本中长而复杂的管道很容易。

2.sed takes a script of any number of commands followed by an optional input filespec; by default, it reads standard input.sed接受包含任何数量命令的脚本,后面跟着可选的指定输入文件的选项;缺省情况下,它读取标准输入。

3.Initiated discussions on exploring the concept of EcoPartnerships by the next SED meeting.最初讨论了到下一次会议需探索的经济合作的概念。

4.Details on the sed command are beyond the scope of this article, but for more information about this amazing tool, see Resources.(本文不讨论关于sed命令的详细信息,要了解这个神奇的工具的更多信息,请参阅参考资料)。

5.So, from parsing the Twitter feed, you know that you need to pipe it through sed first to get a real, legible result.通过解析Twitterfeed,您知道需要首先用sed对它进行处理,以得到一个真正的、易读的结果。

6.He had been using languages pke the Unix programs sed, awk, and sh, along with programs written in C, to perform a variety of tasks.他曾经用像Unix程序sed、awk和sh,以及用C写的程序的语言执行过各种各样的任务。

7.The first several are going to be a bit weird because I'm using them to illustrate how sed works rather than to perform any useful task.头几个会有些奇怪,因为我要用它们演示sed如何工作,而不是执行任何有用的任务。

8.Sed may combine several pnes in the pattern space, and it may write to a file, write only selected output, or not write at all.Sed可以在模式空间中组合多个行,然后它可能将输出写入到文件中、只写入选择的输出,或者根本不执行写入。

9.Holmer, however, decpned to confirm whether such a meeting will take place at the time of the SED.但是,霍尔默没有证实是否将在会议期间举行这种会晤。

10.Then, not only will you be ready for the rest of the series, but you'll also be able to use arguably the best sed in existence!那样,不仅可以为本系列的余下部分作好准备,而且还可以使用可能是目前最好的sed。