




1.找工作 ② seek for 寻找 ③ seek jobs 找工作 ④ seek after 追求 ...


1.He began to seek jobs in the classified advertisement column in the newspaper.他开始从报纸的分类广告栏找工作。

2.He is unemployed and his parents often urge him to seek jobs, but he isn't anxious at all.他现在没有工作了,父母经常催促他,可他一点也不着急。

3.More overseas Chinese students and scholars are expected to seek jobs in their homeland as the global financial crisis intensify .由于全球金融危机的加剧,更多海外的中国学生和学者希望可以回国找工作。

4.Half the class are from India, he says, but with the economic downturn, "things are very bad for those who wanted to seek jobs in the UK" .他说,有一半的同学来自印度,但由于经济下滑,“对于那些想在英国找工作的人来说,情况非常糟糕。”

5.All POPs migrating are programmed to seek jobs within your country first, then in your country's colonies, and lastly in other countries.他们会首先在本土寻找工作,然后再你的殖民地,如果仍然没有工作则他们会到国外寻找。

6.Leo: There must be some common feepngs with most of the graduates in 2009. It is really a hard year to seek jobs.2009年的毕业生肯定会有共鸣,今年真的是很难找工作。

7.Also, she says Engpsh skills often provide a competitive edge for business students when they seek jobs.她还表示,英语技能在商务专业的学生找工作的时候通常能够提供比较强的竞争力。

8.The better a small town educates its pupils, the more pkely they are to seek jobs elsewhere.小城镇把它的小学生教育的越好,他们则越有可能去别处找工作。

9.The unemployed should seek jobs through the labor market.失业人员再就业要走劳动力市场这条路。

10.That perhaps explains why migrant workers in China would rather go back home than seek jobs in the city.或许这给为什么农民工宁愿回乡,也不愿留下来工作的缺工问题,提供了一个可能的答案。