



美式发音: [ˈsikər] 英式发音: [ˈsiːkə(r)]



复数:seekers  同义词反义词





n.1.someone who is looking for something or trying to get something

1.寻找者 残忍部队 Brute Squad 寻觅者 Seekers 醒觉者 Awakened ...

6.寻道者题房间」,以水为主题的就设有按摩浴缸,嫖客被称为「寻道者」(seekers),妓女是「治疗师」(practitioner),性交则是「神 …

7.追求者们称她为Sister Thedra),她是一个叫“追求者”(Seekers)的地方教派的组织人,她向她的信众们宣称,在1955年12月25日…


1.We expect that the Journal will have a very positive impact on genuine seekers of the truth and do much to open further doors for the truth.我们期待这期杂志将对真正寻求真理的人产生非常正面的影响,并对于进一步打开真理的门十分有益。

2.to a real unit in the name of the pubpcation of false employment information, practical jokes, cheat job seekers.以某个真实的单位为名,发布虚假招聘信息,搞恶作剧,欺骗求职者。

3.These details will also work as attention seekers, but by keeping them vague; they won't get out of hand and demand too much attention.这些细节也会吸引视线,但通过模糊使它们控制在应有的范围内不会太抢眼。

4.With this build order, an opponent who goes for a fast Warp Sphere build order is going to gain early Seekers, which can be a problem.根据这个建造序列,一个选择快出扭转球的对手将会更早的得到搜索者,这将会是个问题。

5.He was the Sustenance for the hearts of the Seekers and he was the means for those wishing to hear directly the Divine Words.他是滋养求道者之心的粮食,他是求道者通往用心直接聆听神圣言辞的途径。

6.POPULAR with foreigners looking for sun, sea and samba, Brazil wants to turn itself into a hot destination for seekers of science.巴西不仅是包括外国人在内的民众追寻阳光、海洋和桑巴的理想之地,更想把自己变为科学研究者的热门路线。

7.Mr Gray was as big a celebrity among computer geeks as Mr Fossett is among thrill-seekers, and the story played out in the same way.正如佛赛特先生一样,格雷先生是计算机领域首屈一指的名人。这起事件以相同的方式处理。

8.Warm temperate conditions are typical of South Africa, making it a popular destination for sunshine-seekers.因为南非经常是温和的天气,热爱阳光的人们都喜欢到这里来。

9.You said some "asylum seekers" resorted to violent means when trying to intruding into the foreign embassy, could you raise examples?问:你说有些“寻求避难者”在试图闯入外国使馆时采取了暴力手段,可否举例说明?

10.The Iraqi government spokesman has accused Britain of trying to deport failed asylum seekers to Iraq without verifying their identities.伊拉克政府发言人谴责英国未核实身份就将收容未遂的伊拉克人驱逐。