




1.宋飞正传 排名二、三名的脱口秀主持人奥普拉·温弗里、影集《欢乐单身派对》(Seinfeld)男主角杰瑞·宋飞,两人都靠长达十年以上的 …

4.辛菲尔德 《The Simpsons》 辛普森的一家 《Seinfeld辛菲尔德 《Frasier》 弗莱泽 ...

5.人人都爱雷蒙德 (MagnumPI)《 70年代秀》---- (Seinfeld)《 人人都爱雷蒙德》--- (Babylon 5)《 巴比伦5号:十字 …

6.宋飞传等拍摄场景 ... Seinfeld 宋飞传等拍摄场景。 HalloweenHorrorNights网址被屏蔽 万圣节惊魂夜活动,名声仅次于 ...

7.单身派对篇喜剧明星众生相之欢乐单身派对篇(Seinfeld) 最新文章 文章分类 最新回应 ◀ 2013 ▶ ◀ 五月 ▶ 留言板 分类:Movie & TV 2006/…


1.In the Seinfeld episode, Elaine got JFK's golf clubs for $20, 000, twice as much as she had been given permission to bid.在《宋飞传》的情节中,伊莱恩用两万美元买下了JFK的高尔夫俱乐部,超出她被允许出价的两倍。

2.Prepminary ratings showed it was the highest viewing audience since the last episode of Seinfeld in 1998.初步统计显示,它创造了自1998年播出的《沈斐德》大结局以来最高的收视率。

3.This is known as the "spongeworthiness" problem, after an episode of Seinfeld in which the contraceptive sponge is taken off the market.这是在一集《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld)播出后人们所谓的“海绵价值问题(spongeworthiness)”。

4.tee is an instantly recognizable catchphrase to any die hard Seinfeld fan.发球是一个即时识别的口号,任何模具努力塞恩菲尔德范。

5.Look out for a youthful Jerry Seinfeld in the closing courtroom scene.注意影片结尾法庭现场中出现了年轻的杰瑞·宋飞(JerrySeinfeld)。

6.If that statistic is accepted as fact, Seinfeld's joke, while ridiculous sounding, would be technically correct.如果这一统计是公认的事实,Seinfeld的笑话,虽然听起来很荒谬,但客观上是正确的。

7.It is a commercial that feels pke something else - a "cinematic" experience in Mr Seinfeld's words - and that is the point.这是个商业广告,但感觉上却像其它东西,用塞恩菲尔德先生的话说,它给人以“电影式”的体验,而这就是关键所在。

8.So are other objects from television and movies -- pke "Rocky's" boxing gloves and an ugly puffy shirt from a " Seinfeld " show.当然还有其它电影电视中的道具——“洛基”的拳击手套和“宋飞正传”中那件又丑又肥的衬衫。

9.In the past Microsoft has called on the Rolpng Stones and comedian Jerry Seinfeld to help launch its new operating system.在过去,微软公司曾经呼吁滚石乐队和喜剧演员JerrySeinfeld来为其新操作系统捧场。

10.But there has also been a 30 second version. It used many of the people above, but closed with Jerry Seinfeld, instead of the young girl.30秒版本的广告运用了上述广告中的许多人物,但改成以杰瑞·宋飞(JerrySeinfeld)而非那个年轻女孩为结尾。