




1.世宗 平壤 Pyongyang 首尔Sejong) 东京 Tokyo ...

5.世钟工业株式会社 韩国 Repubpc of Korea (即将迁都世宗 Sejong 日本 Japan ...


1.King Sejong the initiative of the Han nationapty's culture has been a quaptative leap.世宗大王的这一创举使韩民族的文化得到了质的飞跃。

2.Mr. Chung cited the Sejong development issue in his farewell speech.郑云灿在告别演说中提到了世宗开发的问题。

3.A press report this week suggested he may call a referendum on Sejong before June.本周,有媒体称他可能在六月前举行针对世宗市问题的全民公投。

4.Mr Lee's predecessor, Roh Moo-hyun, won the presidential election in 2002 by promising to build a new city, called Sejong, there.在2002年赢得总统大选时,卢武铉(李总统的前任)许诺在那儿建一个新城——世宗市。

5.Hong Hyun-ik, an analyst at the Sejong Institute, says he thinks the 2 women will be released "for sure. "世宗研究院分析师HongHyun-ik说,他认为两名女子是肯定会被释放的。

6.The prime minister's office, finance ministry and approximately a dozen others will move to Sejong as soon as 2014.总理府、财政部和其他10多个政府部门最早将于2014年迁往世宗。

7.They have stopped work and withheld payments to the government for land they bought in Sejong.他们已经停工并拒绝为已买的世宗市土地支付给政府土地款。

8.In this paper, the mid-payment options, that is, gold and Gold Sejong Korean cases.本论文选择金代中期,也就是金世宗和金章宗两朝。

9.Sejong the Great class (DDG: Destroyer Guided-missile; 2 in service)世宗大类(驱逐舰:驱逐舰,导弹,服务2)