


美式发音: [sɪ'lektɪd] 英式发音: [sɪ'lektɪd]






adj.designated,nominated,particular,certain,a number of




v.1.The past participle and past tense of select

1.思莱德 sefon 臣枫13年新款 SELECTED/ 思莱德 SEASOUL 思硕 ...

2.选择 Vans 范斯 Selected 斯莱德 Jack Jones 杰克琼斯 ...

4.选中 select 选择 selected a. 精选的 selecting 选择 ...

6.选择的 Hierarchy 层级 Selected 选择的 Below 下层 ...

7.选定 See also 请参见 selected 选定的 selection 选择 ...


1.Testing the value of a check box does not tell you if the user changed the value of the control, only if it is selected.测试复选框的值并不会告诉您用户是否更改了控件的值,只能告诉您该复选框是否已选中。

2."It was a bit of a surprise to be selected, but that's what I'm here for. Although it was a surprise I was ready, " said Agger.“被选中参赛让我有点惊讶,但这正是我来这里所要做的。虽然有点意外但我做好了准备。”阿格尔说。

3.To make it easy to keep track of the books you've selected, My Shopping Basket will display your choices wherever you are on the site.为了方便跟踪你选定的图书,“我的购物篮”将会显示你所选择的书籍,无论你在网站的哪个地方都可以看到。

4.In 1996, the prose Once upon a time there was an idol was selected in the magazine Work edited by Yu Xinjiao.1996年——散文《从前有一个偶像》由俞心焦收入其所编辑的《工作》杂志。

5.Analysis was made of the sensitivity of the selected factors influencing the surface movement.针对选取的地表移动影响因素进行敏感度分析。

6.At the end of his first year, he was selected, based on his grades and a writing competition, as an editor of the Harvard Law Review.第一年年末,奥巴马凭借其出色的成绩和在一次论文比赛中脱颖而出,被选为《哈佛法律评论》的编辑。

7.If you attempt to insert multiple cpps in one of these apppcations, it will insert only the last selected cpp.如果在一个这种应用程序中插入多个剪辑,则只会插入最后选定的剪辑。

8.No, Kobe never should've selected the next Lakers coach, but he should've connected with him long before a text message on Wednesday night.是的,科比从不应该是湖人新任主帅人选的决定者,但他早就该与主帅联系了,而不是到周三晚上才给他发短信。

9.Each materials selected should be made to be as homogeneous as possible prior to its subdivision into test specimens.1每个材料的选定,应作出那样均匀,尽可能之前,其细分到测试标本。

10.After the game , followed with a mouse selected from the 1 - 31 card , the fastest you can see how much time the game Pai End ?游戏开始后,用鼠标依次挑选出从1到31的牌,看看你最快能花多少时间把游戏排完呢?。