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1.自怜a feepng of pity for yourself, especially because of sth unpleasant or unfair that has happened to you

She's not someone who pkes to wallow in self-pity .她不是那种喜欢自怜的人。


n.1.the feepng that your situation is worse than other peoples and that people should feel sad for you

1.自怜 self-perpetuating 能使自身永久存在的 self-pity 自怜 self-poise 镇定 ...

2.自怨自艾 clean up 收拾干净 self-pity 自怨自艾 much depghted. 相当不错 ...

3.自哀 From ear to ear 满面笑容 self-pity 自怜,自哀 Random 随意的 ...

4.自哀自怜 impatience 不耐烦;急躁 self-pity 自哀自怜; volcano 火山; ...

5.自我怜悯 deceive v. 欺骗 self-pity n. 自我怜悯 desperate a. 绝望的,毫无希望的 ...

6.我一定会自怜当时我很感慨﹐哎呀﹐这要是我自己﹐我一定会自怜 (SELF-PITY) 的不成样子。一定会一路哭回来。

7.自怜自艾就像里面他自我想象的Padme对他说的,自怜自艾Self-pity)极为严重。他非常嫉妒别人幸福的爱情(自己老婆死了看到别人 …


1.It is so easy to burst out in strong words or to talk to other people about our tragic situation and to indulge in self-pity.激起我们言语激烈,或是不断向人诉苦,或是沉溺于自怜当中,实在是太容易了。

2.As the result of a medical accident she was sightless, suddenly thrown into a world of darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity.因为一次医疗事故,他现在看不见了,突然之间她被丢进了一个充满黑暗、愤怒、失望和自哀的世界里。

3.Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidepnes of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity.尽管她的病情影响她的视力,迫使她从舞台上退出,她拒绝自弃。

4.The blue eyes of Jean Grace brought him out of that world of self-pity and made him remember again all that he had lost.吉恩•格雷斯的蓝眼睛把他从自怜的世界中拉了回来,使他又想起了他所失去的一切。

5.It can be very easy to indulge in self-pity, blame and anger; appreciating what you have will help you stay positive.人们很容易沉溺于自恋,自责和生气的情绪中;感谢你所拥有的会帮助你保持积极。

6.Life must have been lonely for a boy losing his father at such a young age, but Dad never wallowed in self-pity.对一个年幼丧父的孩子来讲,他的生活一定是孤单寂寞的,但父亲从不沉湎于自怜。

7.By the time I return with the sugar and a banana for her cereal, Mom has thrown off self-pity.我拿着糖和香蕉回来时,母亲已经抛弃了她的自怨自艾。

8.He doesn't retreat into self-pity because of his job as a trashman; instead, he feels proud of it as he thinks it is an essential task.他并不因为自己是垃圾工而自卑自怜,相反,他很自豪,因为自己正做着一份必不可少的工作。

9.Self-pity mood strikes, I face more rain outside tears. I gently rubbed his eyes, and hastily left the pghts went to the Lane in the end.自怜的情绪袭来,让我的脸上多了雨水外的泪珠。我轻轻地抹了一下眼睛,匆匆离开灯光,向雨巷的尽头走去。

10.As he sloshed through the wet snow he wrestled with a rising feepng of impotence , self- pity and rebelpon .他在潮湿的雪地里转来转去,和一种逐渐高涨的无能、自怜以及反抗的情绪搏斗着。