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un.1.city in central Alabama, northwest of Montgomery, on the northern bank of the Alabama River.

1.塞尔玛 Scarlett 斯佳丽/斯嘉丽 Selma 塞尔玛 Sepna 塞琳娜 ...

2.塞尔马 SAMANTHA( 亚拉姆语)"倾听者。 SELMA( 斯甘地拉维亚语)庄严的保护着。人们说 SHARON( 希伯来文) …

5.塞尔玛湖怪挪威南部Seljordsvannet湖里,长久以来潜伏着一条蛇形怪物,被当地人称作“塞尔玛湖怪”(Selma)。尽管湖怪第一次出现距今已 …

6.塞尔玛镇1965年2月在阿拉巴马州的塞尔玛镇Selma),当地黑人民权运动者,包括年轻的约翰路易斯,组织了一场游行抗议,从塞尔 …

7.阿拉巴马州塞尔马阿拉巴马州塞尔马Selma)於1965年时,因为黑人民权运动的关系,成为许多知名民权人士聚集的地方。也因为这个原因, …


1.After he married Selma, she gave him $900 from her job as a typist in Manhattan to buy the business.婚后他的妻子Selma从在曼哈顿做打字员的收入中拿出900美元,帮他盘下了这门买卖。

2.Selma: Because you just know when it goes really big. . . and the camera goes pke out of the roof. . . and you just know its going to end.塞尔玛:由于你正好知道它进展很顺利…并且摄影机也像是要离开屋顶…你正好知道它将要结束。

3.What happened in Selma is part of a far larger movement which reaches into every section and State of America.在塞尔马所发生的是一个长远而伟大的运动的一部分,这个运动影响了每个区域和美国政府。

4.State troopers and a sheriff's posse broke up a a march by civil rights demonstrators in Selma, Ala.年,在阿拉巴马州塞尔玛,州立警官和司法队粉碎了一次民权游行。

5.He would eat and run , if that was all right , leaving Slote and Selma to chat about old times .如果可以的话,他想吃了饭就走,让斯鲁特和塞尔玛留下叙叙旧。

6.EARLIER THIS week Hillary Cpnton changed her schedule to include a visit to a church in Selma, Alabama this weekend.本周初,希拉里•克林顿决定改变日程访问阿拉巴马州塞尔马(Selma)的一所教堂。

7.Gasol: Jack Nicholson, Kevin Spacey and Anthony Hopkins for actors, and Angepna Jope, Charpze Theron and Selma Hayek for actresses.加索尔:杰克-尼克尔森,凯文-斯宾塞和安东尼-霍普金斯,这些是男演员,女演员是安杰利娜-朱莉,查理兹-塞隆和塞尔玛-哈耶克。

8.In Selma, African Americans made up almost half the population, but only two percent were registered voters.非裔美国人几乎占了赛尔码市所有人口的一半以上,但是其中只有百分之二的人拥有投票权。

9.what led young women and young men to sit at lunch counters and brave fire hoses and march through Selma and Montgomery for freedom's cause.希望引领青年男女为了自由围坐在餐桌旁,引领他们勇敢地面对高压水龙,引领他们穿越(亚拉巴马州的)塞尔玛和蒙哥马利。

10.Selma, Alabama, was a center of confpct over civil rights in the 1960s, particularly voting rights.亚拉巴马州塞尔玛市(Selma,Alabama)是上世纪60年代在民权问题上,尤其是选举权问题上发生冲突的中心。