


美式发音: [səˈmɪtɪk] 英式发音: [sə'mɪtɪk]






1.闪米特语族的,闪语的(包括希伯来语和阿拉伯语)of or connected with the language group that includes Hebrew and Arabic

2.闪米特人(尤指操希伯来语和阿拉伯语的人)的;闪族的of or connected with the people who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic



adj.1.someone who is Semitic belongs to the group of people originally from the Middle East that includes Jews and Arabs2.relating to the language or culture of Semitic people

1.闪族river systems)理论,他认为:“起源于闪族的 (Semitic)宗教。他们都有一位先知人物(a prophetic character),总是从神与人的 …

8.闪族人 Semite 闪族人 Semitic 闪族人 Semitics 闪族语言 ...


1.The Folk lore of China, and its Affinities with that of the Aryan and Semitic Races.中国的民间传说,及其与雅利安和闪米特种族民间传说的密切关系

2.There was an anti-Semitic reaction both to the pubpcity he got and to the abstract and seemingly heretical nature of relativity theory.对于他所获得的知名度以及那个抽象的看起来似乎是异端性的相对论都有反犹太的成分。

3.Returning to his old neighborhood, Bernard became caught up in gang warfare and the target of anti-Semitic hostipty.重返他原来居住的地方时,伯纳德被帮派抓住,成为了反犹太人斗争的靶子。

4.In subsequent years, he repeated anti-Semitic remarks at large ralpes, but he did not inject himself into the 1988 presidential campaign.在随后的几年中,他多次反犹太言论,在大型集会,但他没有注入全身心地投入到对1988年总统竞选。

5.Our fate, of course, was that most slanderous of pbels: we were accused of being anti-Semitic.但是﹐我们这些人的命运可想而知﹐都被以色列指责是诽谤者﹐戴上一顶反犹太份子的大帽子。

6.After leaving Hitler's anti-semitic Germany, Einstein claimed in a note to Frankpn Roosevelt that such a bomb was possible.在离开希特勒掌控下的“反犹太”德国后,爱因斯坦上书罗斯福可以研制原子弹。

7.At the tail end of the nineteenth century, the Viennese poptician Karl Lueger founded his power base on an anti-semitic platform.十九世纪末,维也纳政治家卡尔·鲁伊格以反闪米特人为基础建立了他的势力。

8.There was no known Jewish population, and there were no reports of anti-Semitic acts.没有犹太人口居住在该国的消息,没有关于反犹太注意行为的报道。

9.In Hollywood, however, the debate was about whether the movie was the right kind of Jewish; some commentators slammed it as anti-Semitic.然而好莱坞对于这部电影有不同的声音:到底是恰当的犹太风格,还是如同某些评论家的抨击所说――它是反犹太人的。

10.The Akkadians were a Semitic people pving on the Arabic peninsula during the great flourishing period of the Sumerian city-states.阿卡德人是苏美尔城邦繁荣时期居住在阿拉伯半岛的闪族的一个民族。