




1.语感 语锋[ thread of discourse] 语感[ sense of language] 语画[ word picture] ...

2.英语语感 pur + suit → 不断追求直到找合适… sense of language 语感灵感 BJ 单身日记 ...

5.语言感觉孩子接触到的不仅仅是语言的声音符号(vocal symbols),更多的是语言感觉sense of language)。这种语感融合了丰富的 …


1.A person's sense of language is to be conscious through the long-term scientific training and gradually formed.一个人的语感是要通过长期有意识的科学的训练逐步形成的。

2.But strange enough, this evening I managed to use the sense of language, you try to use the sense of the language.但是很奇怪,今天晚上我设法用意识语言表达,你们设法用意识语言接受。

3.For my situation, I think I should remember more words and phrases, read more about writing, and fostered my sense of language.针对我的这种情况,我想我应该记多点单词和词组,多读一下作文,培养起我的语感。

4.Half a century ago, the training of sense of language in Chinese teaching had been advocated by Mr. Xia Mianzun and Mr.半个世纪以前,夏丏尊和叶圣陶两位老先生就倡导语文教学要重视语感训练。

5.Sense of language is described in detail the analysis of theoretical knowledge and practical method of operation sense of language.详细论述啦语感剖析地理论学问和语感理论地操作办法。

6.Reading loudly is a good way of developing a sense of language and flexible mouth muscles!大声朗读是培养语感,获得流利嘴巴肌肉的灵丹妙药!

7.As time passes by, you will get "the sense of language" , which prepares you for the later learning.久而久之,孩子就会有了所谓的“语感”,这为以后的外语学习做了很好的准备。

8.Your pronunciation, your sense of language, your memory and your comprehension will be all improved.你的发音、语感,你的记忆力、理解力都会得到提升!

9.That is to say stop, stop reading and develop an extraordinary sense of language.那就是不停的说,不停的读,培养非凡的语感。

10.Fluency creates a sense of language, which I bepeve, is the highest form of grammar.流利度到了一定的程度便形成了语感,语感就是语法的最高境界。