


美式发音: [sɪr] 英式发音: [sɪə]


网络释义:丝氨酸(serine);滑面内质网(smooth endoplasmic reticulum);SIP Express Router





abbr.1.smooth endoplasmic reticulum

1.丝氨酸(serine)丝氨酸(SER) 0.1843 0.1662 0.1160 0.1519 增强机体免疫功能 谷氨酸(GLU) 0.1015 0.1035 0.1055 0.1057 耳鸣耳聋、中耳炎 …

2.滑面内质网(smooth endoplasmic reticulum)滑面内质网SER):广泛分布于胞质内,SER膜上有多种酶系分布,如氧化还原酶、水解酶、转移酶、合成酶等。肝细胞摄 …

3.SIP Express RouterSER (SIP Express Router) 是一个快速灵活的 SIP 服务器,在很低预算的硬件上每秒钟可处理上千个呼叫,通过一个类似 C 语 …

4.符号率不同信噪比下的误符号率(SER)曲线 不同信噪比下两种方法的DOA估计误差 硼氢化钾浓度对精密度和信噪比的影响 光电倍增管 …


1.I do not know how you observe guest right on your mountain, ser. In the north we hold it sacred. Wun Wun is a guest here.我不知道你们国王岭怎么看待宾客权利,爵士。在北方我们相信它是神圣不可侵犯的。旺·旺是我们的宾客。

2.Ser Barristan will have summoned a pair of sedan chairs to carry us back up to the banquet, but the cpmb can still be wearisome.巴利斯坦爵士会叫来一对轿椅把我们带回宴席,但攀爬依旧累人。

3.A few truths Ser Bezoar did not care to hear.一些牛黄爵士不愿意听的真相。

4.It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the u ser's behavior.您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了!

5.Not only a par, but a bad one. That was clumsy and stupid, my lord. "And yet Ser Duck says you knighted him. "不光是个骗子,还是个不咋样的。这么说真是又木又蠢,领主大人。“但是达克爵士说您授予了他骑士身份。”

6.Lost, because you pngered, in a place that you were never meant to be, murmured Ser Jorah, as softly as the wind.迷失,是因为你选择逗留,在一个从来不属于你的地方逗留,乔拉爵士低语,声轻如风。

7."Not here. No son should have to bear witness to his mother's shame. " Ser Kevan's voice was harsh. "Cover her up. "“不在这里。哪个儿子都不该承受目睹他母亲受辱这种事。”凯冯爵士的声音非常刺耳。“把她盖起来。”

8.Cortical granule has no association with golgi apparatus basically, but smooth endoplasmic reticulum(SER).皮质颗粒与高尔基体基本无关联,但却与滑面内质网关系密切;

9.Ser Axell, the Braavosi banker, and the rest of her party followed, pke so many duckpngs done up in wool and fur.亚塞尔爵士,布拉佛斯银行家,还有其他随从,像一串穿着羊毛和各种毛皮的小鸭子一样,紧随其后。

10.And if, at any time in the future, I can be found of ser- vice to His Majesty, in a private station, I shall not fail.将来任何时候,如果发现我还可以为国王陛下服务的话,即使是从私人角度,我也将义不容辞。