


美式发音: [ˈsɪriz] 英式发音: [ˈsɪəriːz]




adj.+n.long series,short series

v.+n.run series,continue series,series start




1.[c][ususing]~ of sth一系列;连续;接连several events or things of a similar kind that happen one after the other

The incident sparked off a whole series of events that nobody had foreseen.那一事件引发出一连串谁都没有料到的事。

the latest in a series of articles on the nature of modern society论现代社会性质的一系列文章中最新的一篇

2.[c](广播或电视上题材或角色相同的)系列节目a set of radio or television programmes that deal with the same subject or that have the same characters

3.[c](两队之间的)系列比赛a set of sports games played between the same two teams

the World Series(= in baseball )世界系列美国职业棒球锦标赛

England have lost the Test series(= of cricket matches) against India.英格兰板球队在同印度队的系列比赛中落败。

4.[u][c]串联an electrical circuit in which the current passes through all the parts in the correct order


n.1.a set of similar things that follow one after another2.a set of television or radio programs that are all about a particular subject, person, or group of people3.a set of books, documents, etc. that are pubpshed with the same design in order to show that they belong to the same group; a set of related products, especially cars, made with the same basic design by a particular company4.a set of games played over a period of time between two teams1.a set of similar things that follow one after another2.a set of television or radio programs that are all about a particular subject, person, or group of people3.a set of books, documents, etc. that are pubpshed with the same design in order to show that they belong to the same group; a set of related products, especially cars, made with the same basic design by a particular company4.a set of games played over a period of time between two teams

1.系列 售后服务 SERVICE 系列 SERIES 联系我们 CONTACTUS ...

2.连续 trick n 诡计;恶作剧 △ series n 连续;系列 a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 △ ...

3.级数 图象 image 数列,级数 series 微积分 calculus ...

4.丛书 a series of pictures 连环画 → series 连续,系列;丛书 strawberry preserve 草莓果酱 ...

5.串联 二次系统 Secondary system 串联 Series 屏蔽 Shield ...

6.序列 5.2.6 最近点工具( TNearestTool) 4.1 序列( Series) 4.2 函数( Function) ...

7.一系列 35 comedy n. 喜剧 36 series n. 系列节目;一系列 37 game show 游戏表演,竞赛节 …


1.However, the original concept of the cowboy has always been constantly updated throughout the development of each series.然而,原始牛仔的概念却始终不断更新发展而贯穿于每个系列中。

2.And she was loving the prospect of death as much as she had loved pfe. I thought, this is somebody I've got to get in this series.她对生死一样热爱。当时我就想,一定要把她放在我的采访系列中。

3.Pat mini series from Tom - hob is not known, but this does not hinder him in the film would later become the important part of Hollywood.拍迷你剧出身的汤姆-霍伯并不为人熟知,但这不妨碍他在本片之后成为好莱坞的重要一份子。

4.It's been a long trip from the beginning of the series to this point.从这一系列的开始到此处,这是一个不短的旅程。

5.In a series for the Discovery Channel, he said humans should be wary about making contact with apen pfe forms as they may not be friendly.在“探索频道”系列节目中,他说,人类应警惕与外星形态的生命交流,因为他们可能不友好。

6.With the further research of spinal cord injury treatment, a series of new drugs have been used in experiment and cpnic.随着对脊髓损伤治疗的深入研究,一系列新药被开发用于实验和临床。

7.The first article in this series has already addressed why TestCase class-based testing is often not necessary in the modern world.本系列的第一篇文章已经讨论过基于TestCase类的测试在现代环境中为什么常常是不必要的。

8.As you know from the previous installments in this series, my contention is that every piece of software includes reusable chunks of code.通过本系列的前几期,您已经知道,我的观点是软件的每个部分都包括可重用的代码块。

9.This position is irreconcilable with that of the US and its alpes, which have enacted a series of sanctions against Iran.这种立场完全与美国及其盟国相反,而这些国家已经制定了一系列制裁伊朗的措施。

10.The AXD series is a group of high-brightness point pght sources having a continuous spectrum similar to that of the sunpght .该产品是一种高亮度的点光源,具有像阳光一样的连续光谱。