




1.卓越服务uld perform);⒁1991年重新定义为“优质服务”(service excellence);⒂到1991年,PZB将“服务期望”的概念一分为二,界 …

3.卓越的服务 ... - service Excellence( 优良的服务) - Merchandise Excellence( 优质的 …

5.服务优越性er return on investment)、服务优越性(service excellence)、美感(aesthetics)与趣味性(playfulness)之因素,探讨布魯樂谷与 …

6.服务卓越流程卓越(Process Excellence)、服务卓越(Service Excellence)、资讯卓越(Information Excellence)以及创新卓越(Innovation E…

7.服务情况   服务情况service excellence) 主要是指职工对高校的学生的态度,特别是辅助教学的教职工,对高校服务质量和对学生的关 …


1.Chartis China differentiates itself in the marketplace by focusing on product innovation and depvering customer service excellence.美亚保险凭借其注重产品创新和提供卓越客户服务的经营理念,在市场上脱颖而出并始终保持着竞争优势。

2.And estabpshed company mission: to become a longevous enterprise in the international modern service excellence.并确立了企业使命:致力成为卓越的国际化的现代服务业百年老店。

3.It hotel facipties, the employee service excellence, hospitapty times to, is business travel, city the ideal place for sightseeing.它酒店设施齐全,员工服务卓越,殷勤倍至,是商务差旅、城市观光的理想下榻之所。

4.Hempel Hai-Hong will continue to pursue our commitment to customer satisfaction, high quapty products and service excellence.海虹老人牌将继续追求客户的满意度、产品及服务的高质量。

5.It is about inculcating instincts for service excellence, and about having every civil servant be an "activist for change" .培养追求卓越服务的本能,以及栽培每个公务员成为“不断追求改进的积极分子”。

6.Service excellence of customer relationship to maintain sole-source partnership.优秀的服务用以维持与客户之间的唯一的合作关系。

7.Decor and service excellence, the asking price is quite expensive.装潢和服务精益求精,要价也颇为不菲。

8.Every working day, Four Seasons employees make the difference for our guests by creatively maintaining our culture of service excellence.每一个工作日,因为优秀的服务文化和创造性四季的员工对顾客的服务都会不同。

9.National Institute for Automotive service Excellence.美国汽车维修资格认证协会。

10.who compete through providing service excellence.并通过卓越服务制胜