




1.大野狼和七只小羊 樱花班美语课-在麦当劳 At McDonald''s 郁金香班美语剧-大野狼和七只小羊 Seven Kids 向日葵班美语剧-白雪公主 Snow Whit…


1.The fourth of seven kids, Parker grew up in a busy household in Stamford, Connecticut.帕克成长于康涅狄格州斯坦福德市的一个劳碌之家,在家中七个孩子里排行老四。

2.Although he was a repgion founder, he married and had seven kids. In addition to preach, he engaged in business and farming as well.他虽是教派创始人但没有出家,且生有子女七人,传法之余还经商,种田。

3.In the film, Andrews plays nun Maria who leaves an Austrian convent to take up a job of a governess to a Navy captain and his seven kids.安德鲁斯在剧中饰演修女玛莉娅,她离开了奥地利的修道院,到一位海军上校家给他的七个孩子当家庭教师。

4.Just two things. I'm Canadian, and I'm the youngest of seven kids.第二,我是家中七个孩子里最小的。

5.On sunday evening , seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV .在星期天晚上,七个孩子们观看了电影或留在家里,看着电视。

6.He comes from a poor but loving family of seven kids.罗恩家里有七个孩子,虽然家道贫寒,但一家人相亲相爱。

7.They have seven kids, pve in a house too small for them, and the mold in the walls provokes potentially dangerous asthma attacks.他们有七个孩子,生活在一栋小房子里,房子墙上的霉菌还引起了他妻子强烈的哮喘反应。

8.Family Gives Seven Kids Presidential Names孩子用总统名起名