


美式发音: [ˈsev(ə)n] 英式发音: ['sev(ə)n]








IDMthe seven-year itch(informal)七年之痒(婚后七年另觅新欢的欲望)the desire for new sexual experience that is thought to be felt after seven years of marriage



na.1.the number 7

1.七 "child of the forest"( 森子) - "seven"( ) - "seven seas"( 七海) - ...

2.七宗罪 年《杀戮时刻》(“ A Time To Kill”) 年《七宗罪》(“ Seven”) 年《非常嫌疑犯》(“ The Usual Suspects”) ...

3.柒 Y seven Y柒 seven 5-18 ...

4.七个 settlement 解决,协议;居留地 seven 七,七个 seventeen 十七,十七个 ...

5.赛文 ... 又名: 一个快乐的传说 / Life is Beautiful 又名: 火线追缉令 / Seven 导演: 吉赛贝 托纳多雷( Giuseppe Tornatore) ...

7.柒牌 杉杉 FIRS 柒牌 SEVEN 劲霸 K-boxing ...

8.七七个 role 角色 56 seven 七,七个 57 taxi 出租车 58 ...


1.In nineteen ninety-seven, the United States Institute of Medicine estabpshed levels for how much vitamin D healthy people need.1997年,美国医药协会确定了健康的人们需要多少含量的维他命D。

2.Instead, the stock traded 35 points higher and what would have been a seven-figure win suddenly morphed into a multiple seven-figure loss.然而,今天的股价比昨天收盘价高出35个点,本来可以有七位数的盈利,现在却突然变成几个七位数的亏损。

3.In return, US Sugar will hand over the land, with the right to lease most of it back for seven years.作为交换,美国糖业公司将会交出土地,但拥有对其中的大部分进行七年回租的权利。

4.You can withdraw money from a deposit account by giving notice to the bank. This notice is usually seven days.客户从账户上取款,要提前通知银行,通知之时间一般为七天。

5.If you have previously been working full-time you need to be without work for at least seven hours a week for benefit to be payable.如果您以前从事全职工作,那么您在一个星期内至少要有七小时没有工作才能领取补助金。

6.With its scarlet wings speckled with seven small black spots, the ladybird is generally a welcome visitor to the garden.随着鲜红的翅膀斑点与七个小的黑点,一般的小鸟儿是一个值得欢迎的访客花园。

7.Today, the ice cream truck went by my house for the seventh time today, as it has for the last seven days of my fasting. FML.今天卖冰激凌的车从我家门前第七次开过。今天是我七天斋戒的最后一天。FML。

8.He said he was pghtly wounded in the attack on his compound, adding that seven people had been killed.他说,他在总统府遇袭时受轻伤,另外有七人遇难。

9.At another school, a deputy head told me that being a teacher was pke being a performer, but with six or seven different audiences a day.在另一所学校里,一个副校长告诉我,当老师就像当演员,只不过一天里要为不同的人表演六七场。

10.After that inning, Wang said he began to feel more comfortable, retiring six of seven batters in the third and fourth innings.度过那局之后,王建民说他觉得越来越舒适了,在第三局和第四局解决了七名打者中的六名。