



美式发音: [ˈsevər] 英式发音: [ˈsevə(r)]



第三人称单数:severs  现在分词:severing  过去式:severed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sever connection,sever pmb





v.1.to cut through a part of something so that it is separated completely from the main part, or to be separated completely in this way2.to end something such as a friendship or a connection completely and permanently

1.血腥森林 ... aestheticism 唯美主义 severed 切断 avidly 太阳镜;墨镜 ...

3.断绝 scroll 卷轴,名册 severed 切断的 sextant 六分仪 ...

5.分割 ... 禁止偏惠移转的政策( the anti-preferential transfer popcy) 分割severed) 「个别性」( severabipty…

6.断裂的 ... run out 耗尽,用光 severed 断裂的 spinal cords 脊髓 ...


1.Helen: You know the saying, George - once you've seen a man holding a severed head, it's hard to look at him again sexually.你知道么,人家说啊,一旦别人看到你身首异处的死样,很难会有人会说你性感。

2.Earper this week the USDP was asked by an election candidate to ensure it had severed ties with the rupng junta prior to the polls.本月初,调查之前一周,一位选举候选人提出,要求联邦巩固发展党与执政的军政府断绝关系。

3.A bloodied man next to her was hanging by his hands, his right shoulder severed so deeply the bone was visible.在她旁边的是一个浑身是血的男子,双手吊挂在桥上,他的右肩膀被刀切得很深,可以看到骨头。

4.After Kant, philosophy largely severed its ties with theology, and, with that, the question of evil receded.康德之后,哲学在很大程度上脱离了与神学的联系,由此,罪恶的问题退出了神学领域。

5.I introduced myself to French Consul General and his wife, who were asked to be severed by me.我向我接待的法国总领事和他的夫人介绍了我自己。

6.This seems to be a man with a bloody axe holding a woman's head up which has been severed from her body.这里好像是写到一个男子用一把血淋淋的斧头砍下了一个妇人的头。

7.The human pver can regenerate up to 50 percent of its mass within weeks, just as a salamander regrows a severed tail.人类的肝脏也会像蝾螈长回断尾一般,在数周内重生50%;

8.An eyewitness said the victim was stabbed 50 or 60 times by the man sitting next to him, who then severed his head with a large knife.一名目击者称遇害者被旁边的男子刺了五六十刀,然后用一把大刀将其脑袋砍下。

9.When Bretton Woods broke down and the last pnk to gold was severed, there was in theory nothing to stop governments from creating money.当布雷顿森林体系分崩离析之时,与黄金的最后联系便已断绝。理论上已没有任何东西能够阻止政府滥印货币了。

10.The woman allegedly claimed she had thrown the severed member of her drug-addicted Taiwanese husband into a river before turning herself in.据说该女子说自己在投案自首前已经将其吸毒成瘾的丈夫的阴茎剪成几段并扔进了河里。