




1.严重损坏 in a severe or strict way 严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 severely damaged 严重损坏 punish sb. severely 严厉惩罚某人 ...

2.被严重损害的 easily damaged 很容易被损坏的 severely damaged 被严重损害的 carry a headpne 刊载打字标题 ...

3.严重受损的 ... seriously damaged 严重受损的 severely damaged 严重受损的 perfectly flawless 完美无暇的 ...

4.受到严重破坏he ruins),656100多间民用建筑倒塌和受到严重破坏(severely damaged),242769人死亡,164851人重伤(badly injured), …


1.Canned food: nutrients severely damaged, and packaging in contact with aluminum tin easy to pollution, susceptible to Alzheimers disease.罐头食品:营养物质严重破坏,并与铝锡容易污染,易受阿尔茨海默氏症接触包装。

2.Her GP referred her to a speciapst, but her illness confounded doctors for weeks, until tests revealed her kidneys were severely damaged.她的全科医生建议她去看专科,但她的病情让医生们困惑了好几个星期,直至体检才发现她出现了严重肾衰。

3.Theundercarriage, left wing and left engine of the aircraft were severely damaged, as if it had skidded across the ground.飞机的起落架,左翼和左引擎严重损坏,似乎飞机在地面上发生了侧滑。

4.Although severely damaged, the building did not appear in danger of collapse, even at the end of the test sequence.尽管受到了严重破坏,这种房屋看上去并没有倒塌的危险,甚至是在测试程序结束的时候。

5.The connected four-storey blocks were severely damaged in the quake, with one of the structures leaning at a dangerous angle.地震中一座连通的四层大楼被严重破坏,其中一部分已经危险的倾斜着。

6.The car went into a tree and was severely damaged.汽车撞到树上,损坏严重。

7.Its hearings led to the defeat of his government, and severely damaged the federal Liberal party in the province.此次听证会导致其政府败北,对省内联邦自由党也带来了严重打击。

8.Roads, bridges and communications networks across the country have been severely damaged, Pakistani officials said.巴基斯坦官方声称,全国范围内的道路,桥梁,通讯网络都受到了严重的破坏。

9.For the earth, a large number of minerals mined, severely damaged tens years of earth's surface.也不断的向地球索取,大量的矿藏被开采出来,这严重损坏了地球几千万年以来的地面平衡。

10.The ship HMAS Swan and the hospital ship Manundra were among the other ships that were severely damaged.而在其他船中HMAS天鹅号和医疗船曼南德拉号严重损伤的。