


美式发音: [ˈsuɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈsuːɪdʒ]






1.(下水道的)污水,污物used water and waste substances that are produced by human bodies, that are carried away from houses and factories through special pipes(= sewers )

a ban on the dumping of raw sewage(= that has not been treated with chemicals) at sea禁止把未经处理的污水排入海中

sewage disposal污水处理



n.1.waste substances, especially waste from peoples bodies, removed from houses and other buildings by a system of large underground pipes called sewers

1.污水 rubber waste 橡胶废物 sewage 污水 sopd wastes 固体废物 ...

2.下水道 cheryl n. 谢丽尔 sewage n. 下水道, 污水v.用污水灌溉, 装下水道于 straddles v. 跨骑 ...

3.污物 sour( 酸的,发酸的); sewage( 污水,污物); sludge( 污物,污水…

4.城市污水 4.8.1 城市排水 sewerage 4.8.2 城市污水 sewage 4.8.3 生活污水 domestic sewage ...

5.生活污水 污水〖 foulwater;slop〗 生活污水sewage〗 污水坑〖 cesspit〗 ...

6.废水 sew age 污水 sewage 废水 sex chromosome 性染色体 ...

7.下水道污物 cable 电缆 330 sewage 下水道污物 331 catalogue 目录 332 ...

8.下水道系统 savage 野人 sewage 下水道系统 hedge 树篱 ...


1.How much cubic oil sewage can your ship install?你的船能装多少立方油污水?

2.His father had been a civil engineer and earth mover, and Mr. Cameron had memories of his father putting in sewage and water systems.他的父亲是一位土木工程师,经常自己动手“大兴土木”,卡梅伦还记得父亲亲自组装上、下水系统的情形。

3.The utipty model provides a separation device used for separating sewage from sundries in a sewer pipe, which relates to a sewer device.一种下水管污水杂物分离装置,涉及一种下水装置。

4.Kinshasa, desperately poor with its streets full of hawkers and smell of diesel and sewage, is apen, but Gracia has got to stay.在极度贫困的金沙萨,在这个大街小巷充斥着小贩、柴油味和污水味的陌生城市,加西亚必须留下。

5.The department continued to act as an agent to collect general sewage charges on behalf of the Drainage Services Department.水务署继续以代理人身分替渠务署收取一般排污费。

6.Josh Seater said he'd been drinking with friends and thought that the reservoir was a sewage treatment plant. He said he felt guilty.西亚特说,他与朋友喝了酒,他以为这里只是一个污水处理厂,他为此表示内疚。

7.Spray irrigation Sprinkpng water over land to be used for crops. Often used to dispose of wastewater from sewage treatment plants.喷洒灌溉,喷灌把水喷洒于准备种植作物的土地上。常常使用经过污水厂处理过的废水。

8.'There was no heating and no sewage and our aim was to put nothing new in it at all.当时没有暖气,没有下水道,我们的目标就是不加任何新东西进来。

9.the dual-seal toilet stool is hard to be blocked and the phenomena of rising back of bad air and back flow of sewage, etc. , do not happen.双重密封坐便器不易堵塞,且不发生污气返冒、污水倒灌等现象。

10.He said the new town had the first sewage treatment plant and the first sanitary landfill in the area.他说,新城镇有该地区首个污水处理厂和首个卫生填埋场。