




1.性剥削nformed consent) • 直接或间接的性利用(sexual exploitation) • 在家中或其他地方 • 认识的或陌生人 • 个别的或有组织的 • 可能...

7.性推销抗议汽车大赛期间对妇女的性推销sexual exploitation),利用女性来宣传。 http://wei.am/Kts4CN


1.Others say that there's a fine pne between the pageants and sexual exploitation.其他人说,选美和性剥削之间只有非常细微的界线。

2.Similarly, mistletoe, when used in the casting of Wiccan or Druidic spells, could render a woman helpless and open to sexual exploitation.同样的,槲寄生在用于施巫术或德鲁依咒语时,可让妇女无助和乐于性关系。

3.Sexual exploitation accounts for 11 percent of the total, but in industrial and transition countries, it accounts for about half.性剥削佔全球强制劳工总数的11%,但在工业与转型国家中则高佔一半左右。

4.We were referring to it as 'sexual intimidation, ' 'sexual coercion, ' 'sexual exploitation on the job.我们谈到了‘性胁迫’,‘性强迫’,‘工作场所的性剥削’等。

5.Women and girls may also be subjected to sexual exploitation by those mandated to protect them.妇女和女孩也会成为那些受命保护她们的人进行性掠夺的对象。

6.Forum on a Global Human Rights Crisis: Sexual Exploitation, Worldwide Sex Trafficking, Sex Tourism and Prostitution.全球人权危机论坛:性剥削,世界范围的性买卖,性旅游和卖淫。

7.The Vatican is a sick, twisted criminal organization involved in the sexual exploitation and molestation of children.梵蒂冈是个病态的、扭曲的犯罪组织,这个组织对儿童进行性奴役和性侵犯。

8.Aid workers report rapes and sexual exploitation are occurring and add hock shouters at ad hoc shelters in Johannesburg and Durban.救援人员报告了强奸和性剥夺时有发生,尤其是在约翰内斯堡和德班的避难所。

9.In 1997, Haugen founded International Justice Mission to rescue victims of violence, sexual exploitation, slavery, and oppression.1997年,豪盾创立了国际正义使命团,解救遭遇暴力、性剥削、奴役和压制的受害者。

10.Aid workers report rapes and sexual exploitation are occurring at ad hoc shelters in Johannesburg and Durban.救援工作人员说,在约翰内斯堡和德班的临时避难所里强奸和性剥削时常有发生。