




1.必须考虑析论证,并不强求采取技术或管理措施,更没有强求必须采取硬件手段。安全壳完整性的要求,仅是“必须考虑shall conside

2.应考量(agree to faciptate) 以及「应考量」 (shall consider) 之文句,似显示出该等规定并无强制已开发国家提供技术协助之意。


1.I shall consider it a great favor if you will kindly give me a helping hand. Thank you in advance.如果你能出手相助,你将帮我一个大忙,谨致谢忱。

2.I shall consider him at a later stage, but for the moment he is merely to be borne in mind.我在后文里要讨论马克思,目前只须把他记住就是了。

3.Nay, if you are so serious about it, I shall consider the matter as absolutely settled.唔,要是你这么一本正经,我就认为这件事百分之百地决定啦。

4.Since the form of the conversion expression should differ in these two regimes, we shall consider them separately.由于在这种状态转化率的表达形式不同,将分别加以叙述。

5.In case the firm is not able to handle the matter, we shall consider the firm you recommended.如果该公司做不了,我们再选择你推荐的公司。

6.In this section, we shall consider the conditions that the forces and couples acting upon a body must satisfy in order to be in equipbrium.在这一部分,我们将研究为了使一个物体保持平衡,作用在其上的力和力偶所必须满足的条件。

7.The organization shall consider processes for external communication on its significant environmental aspects and record its decision.组织应考虑对涉及重要环境因餗的外部联络的处理,并记录其决定。

8.Member, the DSB shall consider what further action it might take which would be appropriate to the circumstances.如有关事项是由发展中国家成员提出的,则DSB应考虑可能采取何种符合情况的进一步行动。

9.We shall consider the issue by taking up one after another the regions that have significant manufacturing.我们将就有重要制造业的地区逐个加以讨论。

10.But that raises a different question: we shall consider the effects of deficit financing in a later chapter.然而,那也提出了一个不同的问题:我们将在后面的章节再讨论赤字财政的影响。