


美式发音: [ˈʃæmb(ə)lz] 英式发音: ['ʃæmb(ə)lz]









1.混乱局面;无序的场面;凌乱不堪;一片狼藉a situation in which there is a lot of confusion

The press conference was a complete shambles.记者招待会一片混乱。

What a shambles!好乱哪!

The government is in a shambles over Europe.政府在欧洲问题上政策十分混乱。

2.肮脏(或凌乱)的地方a place which is dirty or untidy

The house was a shambles.那间屋子凌乱不堪。



n.1.something that is very badly organized and that does not operate effectively2.an extremely messy place

v.1.The third person singular present tense of shamble

1.屠宰场 mews( 马厩), shambles屠宰场), pmits( 范围), ...

2.混乱 gallows( 绞刑架,绞台); shambles混乱,一团糟); multiply( 复合 …

3.一团糟 Snail Mail 蜗牛邮件 Shambles 一团糟 Cop 警察 ...

4.混乱之处 sepsis n. 败血症,脓毒症 shambles n. 混乱之处,凌乱的地点 shindy n. 吵闹,盛大舞会 ...

5.肉店 shamble 蹒跚地走 shambles 肉店 ... grip 紧握 防滑层 防滑力 ...

6.废墟 sham 佯装 shambles 混乱,废墟 shimmer 发闪烁之微光 ...

7.夏恩布鲁斯 sepsis n. 败血症,脓毒症 shambles n. 混乱之处,凌乱的地点 shindy n. 吵闹,盛大舞会 ...


1.Marie Al-Ani said the IPCC's investigation into her son's death had been "a shambles" that left many unanswered questions.玛丽·阿尔安尼说,IPCC对她儿子死亡的调查混乱不堪,他们留下了很多没有解答的问题。

2.That exercise, led by Treasury demands for spending cuts, was something of a shambles.由于财政部要求削减开支,这次审议结果一片萧索惨然。

3.Washington's own regional trade popcy is in something of a shambles.美国自己的区域贸易政策有些混乱。

4.The round- house was pke a shambles, three were dead inside, another lay in his death agony across the threshold.后甲板室好象一个屠宰场了,里面躺着三具死尸,还有一个家伙忍受着临死时的苦痛。

5.the less said the better. an utter shambles and a complete joke this team is becoming. i bet teams cant wait to play us now.言简意赅。这支球队正完全变成一个笑话,我打赌它接下来准备和我们来上一场。

6.We have just moved into our new house, so we're in a bit of a shambles at the moment.我们刚迁入新居,所以现在还有点乱。

7.Lastly, the international arrangements that might help sort out some of these disputes are a shambles.最后,对理清争端或许有所帮助的国际协约现在是一团乱麻。

8.It was a shambles that the fire left the building.这场火灾使这座建筑物留下的是一片废墟。

9.Bit of a shambles. He snogged his pupils.有点蹒跚亲吻他的学生

10.Her opening gambit in a key electoral contest to determine India's leadership in 2014 coincides with a parpament in shambles.此举是她在决定2014年印度领导人的关键选举角逐中,走出的开局路数。