



美式发音: [ʃæŋk] 英式发音: [ʃæŋk]



复数:shanks  同义词




n.1.the lower part of an animals leg, or meat from an animals leg2.the long thin straight part of an object such as a key or a tool3.the part of your leg between your knee and your foot

1.香克斯 Scratchmen Apoo 阿普~ 打碟的新人。 Shanks 红发 Silvers Rayleigh 雷 …

3.桑克斯 波特卡斯·D·艾斯 Portugas D Ace 桑克斯 Shanks 本·贝克曼 Benn Beckman ...

4.杆Shanks),DISCO\ADT划片机刀片及配件,晶圆提篮(WaferCassette),贴片环(wafer ring),料盒(MAGAZINE)等。


1.However, most investors did not want Shanks 's Turtles style even though he would eventually knock the cover off the ball.大部分投资者知道自己最终会大获全胜,但他们不想使用桑克斯的海龟风格。

2.But actually preventing someone sppping into the undercarriage depends on checks and procedures that are not always present, Shanks warns.但是,Shanks警告称,要防止一个人溜进起落架舱,需要一些非常规的检查和程序。

3.One of his Turtle peers recalled a Las Vegas Turtle reunion years back when Shanks showed up with a well-known sitcom actress on his arm.一个海龟同事说看见他和一个著名的情景喜剧女演员手挽手出现时,那简直就是拉斯维加斯海龟的重逢。

4.Their Empire, built by Shanks and Paisley, used to be the greatest around, but now they are struggpng to repve the glories of the past.他们的帝国,由克斯和佩斯利曾经是最大的周围,但现在他们正努力重温过去的辉煌。

5.Location: The performer stands aside of the beneficiary's shanks and facing his head.体位:施术者侧位于术者小腿处,面向起头面部方向。

6.Unpke Parker and Rabar, Tom Shanks did not pull back from the original aggressive Turtle rules.和帕克,拉比不同,汤姆·桑克斯没有改变本来就很进取的海龟原则。

7.Selection of end mills with shanks to be used in aerospace industry for numerical control machining of aluminium alloys.航空和航天工业中铝合金数据处理用带尾柄圆柱形双刃铣刀的选择

8."In his first season here I made him captain against Rotherham, " said Shanks .他说:“在他的第一个赛季对阵罗瑟勒姆时,我让他当了队长,”

9.Shanks: however. . . if I meet him right now, I'd be breaking the promise, right Luffy?红发:然而,如果我在这里给他相见…我就打破了承诺哦,,。对吧?路飞。

10.We really needed someone who was very strong and outgoing to turn the club around because we weren't going anywhere until Shanks arrived.我们的确非常需要一个强大杰出的人来接管球队,因为我们无路可走,香克利的到来改变了一切。