




1.沙克1年,夏穆斯林名字 我的外祖母向来管我叫肖恩而不是沙克(Shaq),也不是大柴油机,玩命:要在有命的情况下才能玩,命都 …

2.大鲨鱼的大块头篮球球星、39岁的法亚德(Fares Fayad)现在是迪拜的一名顾问。他说,华为的这款手机应该配上宣传语“为大鲨鱼奥

5.侠客 拉马尔 Lamar 沙奎尔 Shaq 杰梅因 Jameria ...

8.侠客欧尼尔  这些人绝不只是普通的网友而已,包括像侠客欧尼尔Shaq)这样的篮球巨星,包括兰斯.阿姆斯壮(Lance Armstrong)这 …


1.When he's surrounded by other basketball players, it's easy to lose sight of how big Shaq really is.平时和其他篮球运动员在一起,你还看不出来奥尼尔的块头究竟有多大。

2.I mean, what was the last good article you saw that wasn't some dumb rehash about him and Shaq?我的意思是,你看到的上一篇好文章已经不再是关于科比和沙克之间愚蠢的老调重弹了。

3.His favorite pne use to be "Kobe will never win without Shaq" , but he never seems to remember saying any of that.他最喜欢的台词是“科比没有鲨鱼就拿不了总冠军”,但是现在他却不记得说过什么了。

4.Whether you place the blame on him for Shaq's departure from the Lakers or not, he played a major role in a bad situation.不管你们是否把鲨鱼离开洛杉矶的结果怪罪于科比,他的确是在那情况下扮演了主要的角色。

5.It was pke the Civil War. Brother against brother. Brutal and uncompromising. You were a Kobe guy or a Shaq guy.这就像南北战争。同胞和同胞的战争。无情和不让步。你是一个Kobe球迷还是一个Shaq球迷。

6.Now on to the good news. I bepeve adding Shaq was a great move, and I'm very excited about playing with him.奥尼尔的加盟无疑对我们来说是一个非常大的喜讯,我非常高兴能和他一起打球。

7.But since you were kind enough to ask us before Shaq or Kidd had played even one minute for his new team, I'm going to go Phoenix.但是如果你问我们奥尼尔或基德在上场前谁会给球队更大帮助,我会选择太阳。

8.With all the excitement of Wednesday's Lakers-Suns game, I got to thinking about that Shaq-to-Miami trade from years ago.周三湖人——太阳的交战,无数精彩画面让我想起了几年前沙克东游的交易。

9.Shaq is still one of the league's best centers as he proved last season he still has a lot left in the tank.沙克依然是联盟里最好的中锋之一,他上个赛季已经向人们证明了他老而弥坚。

10.So since Kobe came after Michael, he had to hear the "he's never won it without Shaq' refrain earper in his career. "所以在科比职业生涯早期,也就是科比在乔丹后横空出世之时,他总是背负着“没有鲨鱼就不能夺冠”这样的言论。