


美式发音: [ˈʃek(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ʃek(ə)l]






1.谢克尔(以色列货币单位)the unit of money in Israel

2.谢克尔(古代犹太人用的银币)an ancient silver coin used by the Jews


n.1.the unit of money used in Israel2.money

1.谢克尔 rupiah 卢比,盾(印度尼西亚) shekel 谢克尔(以色列) schilpng 先令(奥地利) ...

2.锡克尔(Tyre)的银币 公元前425-394年发行,1舍克尔(Shekel)银币,重13.65克,直径24毫米,厚约4毫米 正面:推罗城守护神骑...

4.新谢克尔但央行表示这次计划外的降息是由于新谢克尔shekel)的持续走强已经威胁到以色列关键的出口行业。新谢克尔对美元的汇率 …


1.So how much would a shekel be worth today?那么如今一枚谢克尔值多少钱呢?

2.Consider the case of Israel, which in the face of the economic crisis engaged in massive foreign currency intervention to weaken the shekel.看看以色列的例子吧,面对经济危机从事了大规模外汇干预以削弱谢克儿(以色列货币,译者注)。

3.Coins as money didn't start to be common until about 500 BC, and a shekel was a unit of weight before it was a coin.直到大约公元前500年,硬币作为货币才开始普及起来,而谢克尔成为货币单位之前的重量单位。

4.He gave Samuel thequarter shekel of silver, but Samuel refused to take it.他把四分之一的银币给塞缪尔,但是他拒绝接受。

5.Yet in January he reluctantly imposed reserve requirements on foreign-currency derivatives to cool speculative buying of the shekel.然而在二月份,他不情愿地对外币衍生品施加了最低准备金要求以冷却投机性购买希克尔(以色列货币)。

6.and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of opve oil a hin.桂皮五百舍客勒,都按著圣所的平,又取橄榄油一欣。

7.In Europe, Gruie at BNP Paribas recommends going short the Czech crown, and long the Israep shekel.欧洲方面,法国巴黎银行分析师Gruie建议作空捷克克朗,作多以色列币。

8.shekels of cassia-all according to the sanctuary shekel-and a hin of opve oil.桂皮五百舍客勒,都按着圣所的平,又取橄榄油一欣。

9.Altogether, the silver dishes weighed two thousand four hundred shekels, according to the sanctuary shekel.一切器皿的银子,按圣所的平,共有二千四百舍客勒。

10.Israel has intervened even more forcefully to weaken the shekel.以色列甚至使用强制性地手段使谢克尔贬值。