




1.申口今 ... 2012年10月8日于8:18 上午 sun 2012年10月8日于7:39 上午 shenyin ...


1.And for this group of sympathy, also be ShenYin himself on the logic of the sppt ring.而对这个群体的同情,也成为申音自己逻辑上最分裂的一环。

2.This article represents ShenYin on the most outstanding observation, and his new book "the business of common sense" thematic.这篇文章代表了申音对中国互联网最杰出的观察,也是他的新书《商业的常识》的主旋律。

3.His bride said: no big degree, I just remind you remember a thing, every evening at seven o 'clock shenyin whether you still absent.他的新娘很大度地说:没有意见,我只是提醒你记住一件事情,每天晚上七点准时房事不论你在还是不在。

4.Shenyin Wanguo said that the current, post-market still faces many uncertainties, the impact will be collated based on the trend.申银万国表示,从目前看,节后大盘仍面临诸多不确定因素,将以震荡整理的走势为主。

5.These assets include banks such as Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and securities firms such as Shenyin Wanguo.这些资产包括上海浦东发展银行(ShanghaiPudongDevelopmentBank)等银行,以及申银万国(ShenyinWanguo)等证券公司。

6.Ms Wang admits that, in spite of the market's decpne, she has fun trading stocks at Shenyin and Wanguo.王女士表示,尽管股市下跌,可她在申银万国炒股中还是有乐趣的。

7.Qian Qimin, of Shenyin Wanguo Securities in Shanghai, says he expects supportive action from the government when the index reaches 2, 000.上海申银万国证券(ShenyinWanguoSecurities)的钱启敏表示,他预计,当股指达到2000点时,政府将出手救市。

8.Empirical Research on Investment Value of Securities Analysts'Recommendation--Evidence from Shenyin Wanguo Securities Research Institute我国证券分析师推荐报告投资价值实证研究--以上海申银万国证券研究所为例

9.Michael Pettis is a finance professor at Peking university and chief strategist for Shenyin Wanguo Securities (HK)本文作者是北京大学(Pekinguniversity)金融学教授、申银万国证券(ShenyinWanguoSecurities)驻香港首席策略师