




1.西那瓦扬名,因为她的姓氏和前总理塔信是一样的,都是""秦那越(Shinawatra)"..她是塔信最小的妹妹,1967年6月21日出生.泰国清迈大 …

3.钦那瓦这家店和塔信家族的关系,很容易联想,因为店名就是塔信的家族姓氏——钦那瓦Shinawatra)。妇人是泰国前任总理塔信 …


1.Five years of strenuous attempts by the Thai estabpshment to destroy Thaksin Shinawatra as a poptical force have come to naught.春秋五度交换,其国内权势集团历经艰辛摧毁他信·西那瓦政治势力的尝试到头来终归不过是黄粱一梦。

2.Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Friday said the campaign for a pardon for Thaksin Shinawatra lowers the status of the royal institution.阿披实总理星期五说,他信赦免的运动降低了王室的地位。

3.Shinawatra family native of Meizhou, Guangdong Province, the British pulled and he is bepeved to be the fourth-generation Chinese.西那瓦家祖籍广东梅州,而英拉与他信是第四代华裔。

4.British authorities revoked entry visas for Mr. Thaksin and his wife, Pojaman Shinawatra, last week, the Thai government said Saturday.泰国政府周六宣布,英国有关当局上周撤销了他信及其妻PojamanShinawatra的入境签证。

5.He had served as chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, and it surely did not hurt that he married into the Shinawatra family.他曾任外交事务委员会的主席,当然他与西那瓦家族联姻也没什么坏处。

6.Lawyers represented Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife, Potjaman, in court in the proceedings at the Supreme Court.代表他信及其妻子帕杰曼的律师们在最高法庭的审理中出庭。

7.Many are loyal to a former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, who was kicked out in a 2006 coup.很多人都忠诚于他信。这位泰国的一位前总理在2006年发动的一次军事政变中被赶下台。

8.It frames the crisis as a battle to save the revered monarchy from the clutches of the exiled former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra.这次危机是一场保卫受人尊敬的君主制的斗争,始于流亡的前总理ThaksinShinawatra被捕之时。

9.Prime Minister Yingluck leads the poptical party of her brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, a former prime minister and an ally of Hun Sen.英拉总理领导着他哥哥、前总理他信·西那瓦的政党,他信是洪森的盟友。

10.TWO months ago, Yingluck Shinawatra was a run-of-the-mill businesswoman and a poptical neophyte.两个月前,英拉.西那瓦还是一个平凡的商人,一个政界新人。