


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ʃɜ:lɪ]





1.雪莉 Sheila 希拉 Shirley 雪莉 Sierra 斯莱瑞 ...

2.关淑怡 Sherry 雪莉 英国 来自草地的。 Shirley 雪丽 英国 来自草地的。 Sibyl 希贝儿 希腊 女预言家。 ...

4.雪利 Sandra 桑德拉 54 Shirley 雪利 55 Sue 休(苏) 56 ...

5.雪丽……来自草地的 sherry 雪莉……来自草地的 shirley 雪丽……来自草地的 sibyl 希贝儿……女预言家 ...

6.杨思琦 Silver 西尔弗 Shirley 雪利;雪莉;秀兰 Sage 塞奇 ...


1.After Shirley finished the painting, she looked at it admiringly , reapzing that it was one of her best works.雪莉完成那幅画后,赞赏地看著它且知道它是她最好的作品之一。

2.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: We finally come back to the front door of the house. Yet there is still much to see at the Biltmore estate.我们终于回到了家门口。然而,仍然有许多看到在比尔特莫尔庄园。

3.She is never that cute doll pke Shirley Temple. Brespn is always that quiet and behaves rather serious as if she were rather nervous.布兰斯林不是秀兰•邓波儿那种可爱,她总是很安静,很严肃的样子似乎很紧张。

4.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Flannery O'Connor is at least as well known for her stories as for her novels.雪丽葛里菲兹:弗兰纳里奥康纳至少也为她的小说为她的故事而闻名。

5.Not always, however: Andrew Breitbart did not hide when he "broke" the Shirley Sherrod story, as described in the Introduction.但也不总是这样:正如在前言中描述的那样,安德鲁•布莱巴特在爆出雪莉•谢罗德这个故事的时候并没有隐藏自己的身份。

6.Shirley: At least, it is better than my boxed lunch at work. I'm so fed up with the bland food. Thank you for having lunch with me!雪莉:至少,它比我们公司吃的盒饭好吃。我受够了那些乏味的食物了。谢谢你陪我吃午饭。

7.One day, while I'm visiting Second High, Shirley asks me for help with an Engpsh passage in her test-prep material.有天我去二附中时,雪莉拿着她备考资料中的英语文章向我求教。

8.Craig Shirley, who worked to re-elect Reagan, argues that everyone always understood what he was about and where he was trying to go.帮助里根连任的CraigShirley辩解道,民众总能理解他是怎么样的人,想做怎样的事。

9.Shirley: He said he would pke to be our "tour director" and he pned up many things to do.雪莉:他说要当我们的“野餐指导”,还列出了很多要做的事呢。

10." If it is going to rain, the heavy wind. " Shirley looked out of the window and said.“怕是要下雨了,起了好大的风。”丽君看着窗外说道。